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Customer Relationship Management

6 Best Customer Experience Management Software in 2023

The customer experience plays a major role in whether they come back for more or never revisit your business. Understanding how customers perceive that experience is the key to driving repeat sales. This article lists the six best customer experience management software options currently available and why we chose each one. Best Customer Experience Management …
One very quick and easy way to tap into the core of what your customers want is a free online customer satisfaction survey tool.
Brand loyalty is basically a scenario whereby a customer will always choose one brand over another – not because of price, not because of convenience but because of fostered loyalty to your brand.
When companies think they are smarter than their customers it’s time to time customers learned how not to play their game. That’s right, I said it. We need to train customers; they just aren’t savvy enough. Actually, we, customers, probably are, but we don’t have the time to fight the companies taking advantage of us. …
Today’s customers are emotional and want to blame someone. We may not be able to fix the problem ourselves, but we can help; the big problem is getting them to listen. We know what makes great customer service. We know what keeps customers coming back. Unfortunately, it’s not one thing that matters in a tough …
If you are going to proclaim that you care, then you should truly demonstrate it. If you proclaim you care about showing customers love, then you’d bloody well better act like it. More damage is caused by not walking the talk. “Your Call is Very Important To Us”… Is it really? I have spent the …
We’ve all heard the saying “knowledge is power.” What we often forget to do is to stop and ask our customers and even ourselves if we are focusing on the right issues. WHAT is important to your customers? Is it the speed of service or response? Is it quality of service or response? Is it …
Customer Service Training: Disaster Prevention & Accountability We all know the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is engaged in the important work to prevent customer service disasters involving extreme loss of life, and because its job is so important to us, the TSA as the big dog in charge has been getting the brunt of the …