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Customer Relationship Management

6 Best Customer Experience Management Software in 2023

The customer experience plays a major role in whether they come back for more or never revisit your business. Understanding how customers perceive that experience is the key to driving repeat sales. This article lists the six best customer experience management software options currently available and why we chose each one. Best Customer Experience Management …
A lot of call centres experience peak call volumes around this time of year, especially if they’re supporting the retail sector, and with inclement weather hitting right now people are stressed with driving, shopping, baking and trying to get everything done before the holidays start. Sometimes our customers can be a little impatient and conversations …
Recognize the bad stuff too! How to make the good words even more meaningful for Reward and Recognition in your Call Centres A friend emailed me the other day and suggested that we could make our words even more meaningful by effectively dealing with issues and concerns. He said ‘Even if you deliver recognition perfectly, …
Submitted by Guest Writer Rosanne D’Ausilio, PhD Consultant, Master Trainer, Customer Service Expert, Coach & Best Selling Author To Train or Not to Train: Kicking Your Customer Service Up a Notch According to a recent survey conducted by Tealeaf, a leading customer experience management company, one key element to surviving an economic downturn is excellent …
We can’t place enough value on the face to face interactions we have with our call centre staff. Making it a daily habit to ‘walk-about’ is a great one to establish early on when you’re leading a team. But ‘positive reinforcement’ comments can be double edged and you may be perceived as being ‘fake’ if …
If you are a call centre leader, and your centre has a well structured program which is administered by a designated person, your job is half done. Usually the ceremonies are all booked and planned, you just have to show up, hand out the certificates, gift cards, prizes…maybe say a few words, but basically – …
I’m currently doing research for a book on reward and recognition in call centres – what’s new, some fresh ideas, what motivates reps these days, etc and preliminary results show that 100% of the companies surveyed so far have some type of program. I thought it might be interesting to share some preliminary results with …
If you Google how long it takes to form a habit, you’ll get anything from 21 to 28 days, but there is no solid evidence on what the answer really is. We all agree though, that an acquired behavior pattern takes customary practice or usage – which in plain-speak means – do it every day …