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Customer Relationship Management

6 Best Customer Experience Management Software in 2023

The customer experience plays a major role in whether they come back for more or never revisit your business. Understanding how customers perceive that experience is the key to driving repeat sales. This article lists the six best customer experience management software options currently available and why we chose each one. Best Customer Experience Management …
Today’s call center software connects humans and machines to address the needs of customers. Through automation and artificial intelligence, calls are seamlessly routed through carefully designed flowcharts before a live agent ever picks up the phone, saving time and money in the process. This article showcases the best call center software options currently on the …
The 7 Best Call Center Software Options for 2023
By Guest Blogger: Geoff Rotunno People are always asking me where I get all my big ideas. Answer: They just come to me. Drop by my local coffee shop sometime. That’s me right there, front and center, within easy earshot of all the rants from every table in the place. People do love to …
Mike doesn’t need fancy marketing materials and social media campaigns to attract business. With this kind of superb customer experience, I tell everyone who’ll listen about Mike and his fabulous service. The ultimate promotion - word of mouth.
You were given an example of poor customer service. Perhaps an explanation and discussion now will spark an idea for a training solution. That’s all there is to it. This blog is divided into two categories: Training and Development and Customer Service. It was written for three reasons: I’ve trained in customer service as have …
We all know bad customer service when we see it. It makes us frustrated and angry. It’s been known to ruin days, weeks, months, years, holidays–even Christmas. I’ve got a story to illustrate what I mean. This story is true. I won’t use any names in order to protect the individuals involved. I will, however, …
Because it’s idiotic! Really, don’t make it worse than it already is. Customer service as we use to know it is getting to the point where we have to accept what we get, instead of a human-to-human exchange of what does us the best, and actually helps us. What’s idiotic? Making appointments for quality customer …
We all have different ways to train using customer service programs. Some would say some of us remain in the dark ages, but you also might argue that not all that’s old-fashioned is bad. We often buy things because they are antique or retro. It may make the untested or lightly tested technology of the …