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All About Advertising and Promotions

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Before you learn more about advertising and promotions, you should get a basic impression of what advertising is. See What’s “Advertising, Marketing, Promotion, Public Relations and Publicity, and Sales?”. Advertising is specifically part of the “outbound” marketing activities, or activities geared to communicate out to the …
Surprise! Your organization is experiencing a major change…again in communication strategies. It’s a new process… a merger…or reorganization… a new product launch…or a new customer…OK, you get the picture. Just about the time you begin to feel comfortable with the last major change, here comes another one. It’s a sign of the times. In this …
Over time, as I heard and experienced similar audience behaviors, I developed and shared the Intervention Escalator, a reminder to start with more subtle interventions, and move toward more extreme responses only as needed. The hope was that presenters could use subtle but active interventions to maintain harmony in meetings, presentations, or training sessions without relying on extreme or unilateral methods.
Have you considered a career in Public Relations? These basics may help.
When companies use “FREE” as a deceptive come-on, they can find themselves in legal hot water
Recently I attended a speech given by a brilliant but soft-spoken philosopher and author. Even though he had a gentle, thoughtful way of speaking, and a serious topic, he managed to connect well with the audience, and got some great chuckles with his stories and his subtle humor. It started me thinking again about how …
Today we don’t use the phone just for conversations or to set up meetings; we use it to have the meetings. Has the art of the telephone been lost? Or do we just take it for granted? Here is a checklist of best practices and a few no-nos to keep in mind next time you are doing business over the phone.
The Father of PR, Edward Louis Bernays liked to think of himself as a kind of psychoanalyst to troubled corporations.