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All About Advertising and Promotions

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Before you learn more about advertising and promotions, you should get a basic impression of what advertising is. See What’s “Advertising, Marketing, Promotion, Public Relations and Publicity, and Sales?”. Advertising is specifically part of the “outbound” marketing activities, or activities geared to communicate out to the …
Templates are extremely useful for saving time and providing consistency. They are short cuts to formatting and completing your document quickly and easily. They are short cuts because you no longer have to think about how the material should be set up or what style to use for particular types of documents. Having templates not …
As presenters, it is almost always wise to take a positive approach. Stress solutions when reporting on problems. Say what you will do, not what you won’t. Focus on supporting evidence, not concerns or doubts. But notice I said “almost always.” You knew there had to be a few exceptions to the rule, didn’t you? Here they are,
If you have read my blog before you know that I am a trainer and speech coach, and I have some professional acting and theatre experience. While trying to do the right thing for my talented daughter, Allie, who is dying to get into the business of being “discovered,” I found despicable marketing practices from …
As a Technical Writer, you have no control over the number of revisions a document will go through when it comes to, for example, the Requirements document or the Technical and Functional Specifications. Even if you have attended every meeting to gather information for the new product, problems will arise. Why? Because more than likely, …
Media and marketing statistics give marketing executives insights, so they can communicate with their target audience in more meaningful ways.
For speaking success, start and end with a big-picture message about why you are speaking and why the audience needs to hear what you have to say. It is up to you as the presenter to figure out what the message is, rather than hoping it will become clear as you go. You know the content best, and if you are planning the presentation or meeting, you should know what you wish to accomplish.
Reputation management online can be very effective, when done right. Use these 5 guidelines, and you should see good results shortly.