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All About Advertising and Promotions

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Before you learn more about advertising and promotions, you should get a basic impression of what advertising is. See What’s “Advertising, Marketing, Promotion, Public Relations and Publicity, and Sales?”. Advertising is specifically part of the “outbound” marketing activities, or activities geared to communicate out to the …
As a Technical Writer, we cannot forget about writing for the Call Center teams who have to answer to clients, buyers, or users of a product or application. They have to be patient, understanding, knowledgeable, and diplomatic. To assist them, the Technical Writer has to be able to create the materials needed by them. Training …
During your presentation you ask a question…nothing. You crack a little joke…crickets. You start to sweat a little. What is happening? Is this a hostile audience? Did you just offend someone? Is there something in your teeth? Before you go into a tailspin of doubt and worry, ask yourself if it is possible that you …
It’s almost a nonsensical thing to say these days. It seems everyone know the benefits of Branding. For those who don’t know it, by golly, we should train it. This article will sound a bit like another one I wrote some time ago having to do with not being eliminated from the job pool because …
Gamification for this post is defined as applying a game, which also grants rewards, badges, or prizes. Can we apply this to technical writing? – Yes. Gamification applied to an organization’s documents can encourage employees to: read their policies and procedures by providing a mechanism for them to check in and out in order to …
P is for poise. What does poise mean to you? To me it is a calm, positive presence. It is quiet strength. It is a sense of ease and confidence. How do you acquire poise? One thing you should consider is your energy and how you use it. If your energy tends to be high …
I’ve come across certain words and terms that Technical Writers should be familiar with. The following are just a few outstanding key words that I felt were worth reviewing. Compliance – is adherence or sticking to rules, policies, and procedures. This is very important for the Technical Writers as they need to be excruciatingly correct …
Why did I say that? ‘Oops’ what did I just do? What just happened? When doing a presentation, what do you do after an ‘oops’. You could have gotten too wordy and lost focus, or you went off script and are now lost, or you are experiencing technical problems, etc. So what do you now …