Professional Development/

Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Unfounded complaints reflect poorly on golf pro One major rule of PR — If you’re going to make public accusations, then you sure as heck better be able to back them up. Pro golfer Sergio Garcia learned this lesson the hard way when he complained to the media that Tiger Woods had caused him to …
Drive-by Download Hacks: Risk and Crisis Management Were you aware of this sneaky way your system can be infected? Rarely a week goes by now that we don’t hear of a new cyber attack as hackers’ approaches become bolder and more sophisticated. Early this month, a U.S. Department of Labor page that shares information on …
I’ve been wondering lately: is it always a good thing for social enterprises and related organizations to receive preferential treatment, in the form of public or philanthropy subsidies and other forms of preferential treatment?
Evaluation experts often define evaluation as a systematic endeavor. Recently I have been considering what this really means. How do we carry out a more systematic evaluation? How do we translate this into practice? Aim for Consistency Aim for consistency in data collection efforts. Data should be collected the same way every time. How can …
Going risqué can quickly create a need for crisis management The world of advertising gives us quite a bit of fodder, probably because those in the biz are constantly trying to draw a reaction from the public. The danger there is that it’s quite easy to go too far, putting a company’s reputation at risk. …
Cellular phones are pushed as a premiere crisis management tool, but will yours have service when you need it most? These days, a good portion of the population has no land line at all, and runs their calls (and much of their internet use) entirely through cellular. Problem is, when disasters strike, cell service isn’t …
New, FREE disaster crisis management resource If the disasters of recent years have taught us anything, it’s that trained volunteers have the power to make a massive difference in the lives of those affected. To that point, has been established by the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation to “increase the preparedness and effectiveness of humanitarian aid …