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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
What FDA Crisis Management Plan? Govt agencies surprise by making crisis management simple, web-based Crisis management isn’t just for business. There are plenty of risks in daily life, and the more equipped to help prevent crises in our personal lives we are, the better off we’ll be. In recent years, several government organizations have really …
Actions of those who represent your organization can result in a need for crisis management Celebrities are commonly used as spokespeople for everything from sodas to cars to underwear, but they certainly make for risky investments. As a quick look at the TMZ website (warning, not always SFW) shows, celebrity seems to breed controversy in …
If no harm is being done, why create PR risk through legal threats? Ferrero, the company that makes hazelnut-based sweet spread Nutella, nearly blew a free PR opportunity when its lawyers went after the six-year-old unofficial “World Nutella Day” celebration. The event’s founder, Sara Rosso, informed World Nutella Day’s 40,000+ Facebook fans that she had …
Know thy audience, young crisis managers Social media crisis management can be confusing to navigate, especially if you’re not sure which stakeholder groups you’re dealing with. Although each comment obviously comes from an individual, there are discernible groups that you see emerge again and again to join in online debates and dramatics. In a post …
Negativity is a slippery slope, a form of failed crisis management. Just last week, we discussed how pro golfer Sergio Garcia’s complaints about Tiger Woods left him labeled as a whiner by both traditional and social media. Apparently, Garcia didn’t have enough negative attention, or PR training sessions, because this week his behavior took a …
What would your advice be in this ugly situation? Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is in serious trouble after two separate media outlets were shown video of him (allegedly) smoking crack cocaine with a pair of drug dealers. The Toronto Star published an account of the video, written by the reporters who viewed it, Robyn Doolittle …
Revelation of decades-long data access for reporters creates reputation crisis While Bloomberg‘s data terminals, which serve up volumes of intricately detailed financial information to Wall Street pros on a daily basis, have enjoyed a reputation as must-have tools, a privacy breach scandal has landed the company in a threatening crisis. Last week, it was revealed …