Professional Development/

Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Coca-Cola Crisis Management Fail: Ignoring Basics Always ask, “Who could be offended by this?” When launching a major promo for a product, it’s Crisis Management 101, it’s very important to do your homework to ensure that you won’t be creating an ugly situation in the process. After reading about Coca-Cola’s latest marketing #fail there should …
The Only Form of Problem-Solving What would you say if I were to say there are no secret processes to be had–just the basic process we can apply to every plan we have to make and every problem we have to solve? I hope you would be flabbergasted, but believe me when I say it …
A Guest Post by Tony Poderis In my opinion, there are limits (compared to the business sector) for nonprofit organizations regarding the building of their markets, the percent return on activities, investment for the future, general operational efficiencies, and some business practices and tools. There are things nonprofit organizations simply cannot do, which are second …
Here’s a suggested framework from my colleague Jim Kucher (founder/managing director, Income for Outcomes). This reminds me of our earlier blog about social enterprise sound bites. That blog can be seen at: Here’s what Jim wrote: A viable social enterprise must have: • A viable social change theory (what makes you think you can …
A Crisis Management Case Study: When Meals Go Bad USDA and meat industry ignoring massive warning signs A pilot program meant to more rapidly identify contamination in the plants which process the meat we eat on a daily basis has been an utter failure, yet still may be implemented as the USDA standard. The Washington …
How will the organization handle the revelation of Scout-on-Scout abuse records? The Boy Scouts of America is surely ramping up crisis management case study as it faces what could be another major blow to its reputation, with a Florida judge ordering the first known release of documentation regarding Scout-on-Scout abuse. The Sarasota Herald Tribune’s Elizabeth …
Organizational Development Training Strategies: 3 Essentials “Where the hell have you men been,” asks the colonel in a 1981 Bill Murray comedy film, Stripes. (video) “Training, Sir,” he answers, drawing out the word “training” until it sounds ridiculous. And funny, of course. The troops, feeling responsible for their sergeant’s hospitalization and under the “emergent” leadership …