Professional Development/

Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
All of this has made me think of how important this interim phase is to nonprofits – especially small and midsize organizations. This is a time of uncertainty and it can me marked by anxiety, impulsive change by temporary leaders, reduced fundraising, etc., etc.. Or it can be a time of understanding who you have been, who you are now, and what are your dreams of becoming. It should be a time of “renewing and reworking” your relationships with major funders and key supporters. And it should be a time of preparation for willingness to adapt to a new leader with a new approach, personality, style and goals.
It helps to stick to the familiar ground when it comes to social media crisis management Our friend and colleague Chris Syme published a blog post last month in which she explained why spreading your social media crisis messaging too thin can be a major problem. This issue seems to pop up most often when …
Lack of Focus Hurts Social Media Crisis Management Efforts
A Guest Post by Tony Poderis The best, and the most needed non-profit organizations begin with a founder’s vision to do something good for society — often to serve a need no one else is serving, and unfortunately, sometimes addressing needs some others would rather not even know exist. So, as such a founder, good …
Belatedly thwarting a grade schooler’s scheme is nothing to gloat about Most American airlines have been struggling to maintain any type of positive reputation for years now. With many of the most rage-inducing issues, like long security lines, beyond their control, you would think they’d be taking pains to ensure their own processes are working …
Still don’t think crisis management should be a priority? We all know that crises can create financial damage, but do you really understand how much damage? The stats below, quoted from a article, may surprise you: Natural catastrophes and man-made disasters caused insured losses of $20 billion in the first half of 2013, with …
Shutdown Cripples CDC’s Ability to Assist With Salmonella Outbreak Well, that didn’t take long The first crisis to be directly impacted by the U.S. government’s shutdown reared its head this week in the form of a Salmonella outbreak that’s affecting at least 18 states thus far. Wired’s Maryn McKenna reports: While the government is shut …
Rockstar’s reputation may hang in the balance With Grand Theft Auto V claiming the record for not only the fastest-selling video game but also the fastest-selling entertainment product of all time, creator Rockstar North is in crisis management mode as it prepares its servers to handle millions more players than expected at the launch of its …