Professional Development/

Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
We’ve seen some big changes The way we do crisis management, and PR in general, has changed so drastically that even those of us who were along for the ride are sometimes astonished. For those younger folk who never knew the non-digital version of what we do, this Inkhouse infographic will really blow your mind: …
Knowing the right steps to take is key to social media crisis management success Social media crisis management was uncharted territory a few short years ago, but the sheer number of crises popping up in the social sphere meant best practices were ironed out pretty quickly by those in the trenches. Given that just about …
Explore Crisis Management At College Courses: Be Prepared The spike in the visibility of crises has most certainly resulted in changes to how organizations operate, and alongside that trend, another is growing, albeit more quietly – that of training people to fill the variety of emergency and crisis management roles that are emerging. Check out …
The most vulnerable point of access to your data isn’t a computer, but a human being Cyber security has been a hot topic as of late, but few are discussing the fact that humans are actually the weakest link in the information security chain. While hackers do employ some seriously powerful tools, it’s often just …
The incident demonstrates why Twitter is ideal for quickly spreading information to your stakeholders When your organization is in crisis, Twitter is now the go-to platform for disseminating information to a wide audience as rapidly as possible. Never was this more apparent than in the wake of the chaotic shooting at LAX airport, where a …
Social Impact Bonds are finally moving from idea to reality, in a few states. These “pay for results” government contracts are a new form of financing where payment only occurs if the agreed-upon social results are achieved. No results, no money. Financing comes from a private sector financing intermediary, which secures funds from private investors …
United States Schools Ignore Disaster Crisis Management A surprising number of states not requiring schools to prepare for disasters We send our kids off to school every day trusting those responsible for their care are properly prepared for disaster crisis management, but the frightening reality is that most aren’t. Aid group “Save the Children” is …