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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Refusing to acknowledge the power of social media is detrimental to your crisis management ability Every year since social media first appeared on the scene, a few pundits come out to say that we’re about to see the end of it. We’ve been riding on the social media bandwagon for a long time now, and …
Are organizers prepared to face potentially game-threatening conditions? When it comes to big events here in the States, you really can’t top the Super Bowl. There will be nearly 100,000 physically attending in addition to the 100+ million watching from home. Oh, and did we mention that this year it’s outdoors? In New Jersey. In …
Bad behavior followed by a total lack of crisis management does not bode well for the latest politician to be caught behaving badly New York Congressman Michael Grimm (R-Staten Island) is the latest politico to lose it on camera, and it’s not pretty. In an interview for New York’s NY1 News just after the recent …
Never rely on your first option working out perfectly So, you’ve put together a killer crisis management plan, heck you’ve even actually practiced it! Good to go, right? Not so fast. As a wise man once said, sh*t happens, and you’d better believe it can, and will, happen when you’re already fighting to keep your …
Will the uproar from NASA and the family of astronauts on the mission force the singer to change her song? We all know pop stars like to use shock value to pump up sales, but a song from Beyonce’s latest album has crossed the line and ticked a lot of people off in the process. …
Competent, confident, and compassionate – the Three C’s of Crisis Communications Renown Regional Medical Center was the scene of a tragic shooting incident last month when a man calmly walked into a doctor’s office and fired, killing two and wounding two more. As the scene of the crime and a large area service provider, Renown …
Does your crisis management planning include cyber crime? Every year brings new threats to the forefront, and according to experts 2014 is going to see an explosion in the number, and severity of, cyber attacks. If your crisis management plans don’t already include the possibility of data theft, systems being held ransom, or even completely …