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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Dishonesty and lack of fact checking can threaten your reputation The skyrocketing popularity of amateur e-reporting has led to good things, as stories that would never have otherwise seen the light of day draw public attention. Unfortunately, it’s also resulted in an increase in unverified, untrue reporting as well, often to the detriment of whichever …
Cyber criminals hit University of Maryland Despite a recent doubling in IT security staff, personal data including names, Social Security numbers, dates of birth and university ID numbers belonging to nearly 310,000 individuals was stolen from the University of Maryland’s computer systems. In response, University President Wallace Loh (and, you can bet, his crisis management …
How hackers used a fridge to conduct a cybercrime campaign It’s clear that an increasing number of the things we use every day can and will be connected to the ‘net. However, the same connectivity that allows us to turn down our thermostat or click off the TV while we’re away from home also leaves …
What are major sponsors like Coke and McDonald’s doing to prepare for trouble related to the Games? This year’s Sochi Games are the most tense in many years for reasons related to everything from human rights violations in Russia to the frighteningly real chance of a terrorist attack. Our own Jonathan Bernstein sat down with …
VP Jay Rossiter’s message to stakeholders was missing something important… Late last month, Yahoo joined the ranks of organizations to have been hit by hackers in 2014. Never good at any time, the fact that the company has already been under fire about an extensive downtime for its Mail service in December, as well as …
The social media giant may need crisis management if latest lawsuit brings on the privacy hounds Privacy is a hot-button issue in the online world these days, making the latest lawsuit to be filed against Facebook a potential doozy. According to the plaintiffs, Facebook has been violating the Electronic Communications Privacy Act by scanning the …
School Black History Event: Crisis Management Plan Taking a minute to think about potential negative perceptions is a must when making any decision. In a crisis that falls decisively under the “what the #$%& were they thinking?” category, a student committee at Northern California’s Carondelet High School for Girls decided that the best way to …