Professional Development/

Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
As with any endeavor, preparation greatly increases your chances of success Can you imagine a squad of firefighters deciding to throw out their plans and training “just wing it” when they head into a burning building? The idea is ridiculous of course, but why are so many who would scoff at that willing to charge …
The Obama Administration’s Social Innovation Fund (SIF) has now been in operation for several years. SIF was created to fund an annual competition to identify innovative nonprofit programs that provide measurable, scalable solutions to community problems.
Your social media presence is a valuable commodity, don’t leave it unguarded We’re at the point where some social media accounts are worth serious dough. Some for the rich communities built around them, some for their brand association, and some simply because they have a unique, hard-to-obtain handle. Because of that, just as we saw …
Stop the negative sentiment before it goes public and you have a crisis management success Online review sites like Yelp, Tripadvisor, Urbanspoon, Google, and Yahoo Local (the list goes on and on) are being used heavily every day by your stakeholders. Doing things like reporting on a bad customer service experience or sharing a picture …
Media Crisis Management: The Pitfalls of Weak Appearances This a perfect example of why ignoring media training is not an option. A weak media appearance can and often does, make a bad situation so much worse. Take the press conference held by Gary Southern, president of West Virginia’s Freedom Industries, the company responsible for contaminating …
Infrastructure Hack: White House Offers Crisis Management Aid Government steps in to help contractors running critical infrastructure secure their systems Experts have been warning for some time that hackers from criminal organizations and various nation-states with whom we don’t see eye-to-eye are targeting critical infrastructure, including power, water, and nuclear systems, here in the States. …
Was Under Armour’s crisis management podium-worthy? Nobody’s quite puzzled out what exactly caused the underwhelming performance of U.S. speed skaters during the Sochi Games, but as the losses piled up many looked toward the company behind the team’s high-tech “Mach 39” skin suit, Under Armour. With massive hype surrounding the suits and the team as …