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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Are San Jose airport officials making you feel secure? The story of the teen who managed to sneak into San Jose International Airport, cross the tarmac, and climb into the wheel well of a waiting plane – and then actually survive a flight to Hawaii, is making headlines around the world. It’s sensational, and it …
[Editor’s Note: The following guest post comes to us from Rick Kelly, Vice President of Strategic Communications at Triad Strategies] It’s called “confirmation bias,” and Texas U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, Republican/teabagger extraordinaire, is positioned to become its unintended poster boy this week after he asked his Facebook “friends” what they thought of ObamaCare, aka the …
Take care of your reputation and it will take care of you Whatever your organization does, it’s a safe bet to assume you’re looking for ways to manage your poor online reputation. After all, with pretty much all of us carrying a teeny tiny research machine in our pocket in the form of a smartphone, …
Why renew focus on an issue you’d clearly rather avoid speaking openly about? New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) would probably love to have this whole George Washington Bridge scandal just…go away. It seems Christie felt he was expected to do something to explain things, but his choice to appoint a friendly lawyer to “investigate” …
Forgetting this key ingredient can sink your crisis communications efforts Heavy social media users probably noticed the recent HootSuite outage which left many, including us, unable to access the popular utility during the evening hours. Having any service you use regularly to do business go down is a big deal, and even more so considering …
Saying you’ll clean up your act is one thing, backing it up is another General Motors is the latest carmaker to come under fire for failure to address safety issues (and defending that decision) after it was revealed that it had swept reports of defective ignition switches, responsible for some 12 deaths, under the rug …
[Editor’s note: We asked to reprint this article from Tony Jaques’ “Managing Outcomes” newsletter because it addresses an issue we constantly see major organizations ignore – the fact that advertising can, and often does, create unnecessary reputation threats.] Two of Australia’s largest corporations are under fire because of their advertising. The Victorian Supreme Court recently …