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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Don’t put others down to promote yourself If you’ve ever been tempted to leave a negative review on a competitor’s Yelp page, or make a habit of spreading bad news about other businesses, this week’s Crisis Management Quotable is for you: “Never make negative comments or spread rumors about anyone. It depreciates their reputation and …
Why give unhappy stakeholders more reason to think ill of you? One of the most damaging labels to wear as an organization is that of hypocrite, especially if you’re already nearly universally hated. Cue the IRS, which took a roasting last month after it was revealed it awarded cash bonuses to over 1,000 employees who …
Crisis Management Case Study: Air Canada Baggage Handlers Another crisis management case is brought you to by the power of the smartphone. Social media strikes back at airline passengers once again, this time with Air Canada as the organization under fire. As Dwayne Stewart sat waiting for his flight to be ready, he observed two …
Here a few inspiring social enterprise ideas discussed at the recent national Social Venture Network conference. (Source: Forbes article by Devin Thorpe) 1. Be Political. While 92% of Americans favor disclosure of genetically engineered ingredients in their food, objections from the powerful food industry are so strong that only through collective advocacy will this change.
Facts and figures make clear the need to include reputation in crisis management planning It’s undeniable – having a positive reputation not only helps your bottom line but also significantly reduces the risk of crises causing permanent damage. The time to start working on that reputation isn’t in the middle of crisis management, however, but …
Incredibly racist recording creates mid-playoff crisis In the midst of their 2014 NBA playoff run, the Los Angeles Clippers are mired in a massive crisis. An audio recording of a man alleged to be Clippers owner Donald Sterling in an intensely racist 9 1/2 minute conversation was published by TMZ Friday, and the basketball world …
A different way of thinking about preventing social media crises We’re constantly searching for ways to gain greater insight into our field and how we can do social media crisis experts help more effectively. In that search, we came across an intriguing theory from Jerimiah Owyang, author of Social Readiness: How Advanced Companies Prepare, who …