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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Knowing how your stakeholders use social media makes your messaging more effective Social media isn’t limited to one locale, and while the big services tend to span multiple countries, many regions have their own specific services as well. By knowing who uses what social media platforms, and how they’re using them, you can more effectively …
Many people will argue that social enterprises should be profitable or at least on a direct path to it. That they must eventually reach a point where all of their expenses are paid from revenues; otherwise they are judged “unsustainable.” But is profitability a reasonable goal for every social enterprise?
Brush up on your PR tactics with this useful infographic Pitching the media is an essential skill for traditional PR, but it’s also used heavily in crisis management. Landing stories helps to create a cushion of goodwill, or rebuild your image after taking a reputation hit, and sometimes getting your side of an issue published …
Embattled organization makes another mistake leading up to World Cup in Russia FIFA has already taken a great deal of heat over its controversial decisions to hold World Cups in Russa and Qatar, and now the organization is making headlines once again over an immense oversight that shows the world just how little attention they …
More facts and figures detailing the effect crises have on business and reputation We found the infographic below, put together by MediaMiser, particularly interesting because provides specific figures in connection with the multitude of problems Carnival Cruise Lines experienced early this year. ——————————- For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: Crisis Management ——————————- …
Traditional PR has its place, but if you’re not using digital you’re missing out on your potential Digital reputation efforts are a must these days, but when it comes to convincing your organization to leave room in the budget for this essential part of PR it can be tricky. Sharing tangible benefits always pulls more …
[Editor’s note: Thank you to our colleague Tony Jaques for allowing us to reprint this fantastic post that investigates the culture of finger-pointing in the wake of crisis] Blaming the victim is an ugly strategy which is seldom smart in the wake of a crisis The Ebola outbreak is providing endless fodder for commentators and …