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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Good crisis management means being aware of, and preparing for, the possible outcomes of your actions There’s been a lot of discussion about demands from hackers that Sony not release “The Interview” due to its targeting of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, but in a recent interview with PRWeek Bernstein Crisis Management president Jonathan Bernstein …
Genuine care delivers crisis management dividends We see a lot of apologies these days, but more often than not they fail to hit home. Whether they’re lacking critical components like compassion, competence and confidence dragging or they take the route of the ugly “non-apology”, it seems tough for many to say “I’m sorry”. That’s why, …
What are the implications for crisis management as social networks beat out Twitter for most active users? Photo-sharing service Instagram announced this week that it had officially bypassed Twitter to take the title of “most active users”. Boasting more than 300 million monthly active users who share more than 70 million photos and videos each …
Remember, your CSR’s are some of your most valuable crisis management assets Providing great customer service can win you customers for life, and a larger share of those customer’s paychecks, but dropping the ball can, and will, have the opposite effect as well. Properly training customer service agents, giving them the flexibility to problem solve, …
Failing to walk its talk is hurting the social network’s reputation Facebook has come under scrutiny repeatedly due to its cavalier attitude towards user’s right to privacy. Sure it claims to support privacy, but case after case has shown that it’s far from a priority for the social network. That approach is drawing fire once …
Be careful what you Tweet! This past Monday, Twitter CFO Anthony Noto showed that even execs at the big blue bird are prone to making mistakes when using the platform. Noto sent a cryptic tweet that was clearly meant to be a private discussion of a business deal, and although it was deleted quickly, media …
How do you handle reputation threats on the increasingly popular site? As Reddit, the popular website based on user-run communities which determine what content will be prominently displayed and what falls into oblivion, increases in popularity, so does its part in threats to the reputation of organizations around the world. While coping with negatives on …