The Rising Concerns of AI in the Workplace: From Discrimination to Power Imbalances

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    In this article, we’ll look at the reasons behind the Trades Union Congress (TUC)’s warning that the UK government is failing to protect workers from AI-related exploitation and potential workplace discrimination.

    Key Takeaways:

    • TUC warns of increased workplace discrimination due to unchecked AI usage.
    • Many workers are unaware of AI’s role in decisions affecting their employment.
    • Government’s AI whitepaper and Data Protection and Digital Information Bill criticized for their inadequacy.
    • TUC calls for transparency and human review in AI-related decision-making.
    • AI at Work conference highlights the need for worker involvement in AI discussions.
    • AI-powered workplace surveillance is a growing concern.

    TUC’s Warning on AI in the Workplace

    The Trades Union Congress (TUC), a body representing unions, recently expressed concerns that the UK government is not doing enough to protect employees from the negative consequences of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the workplace. 

    According to the TUC, unchecked AI usage could lead to a significant increase in workplace discrimination, as well as exploitation of workers by powerful technology. 

    Many employees, the TUC says, are unaware of AI’s role in the decision-making processes that directly affect their careers, including hiring, firing, and performance evaluations.

    Criticisms of the AI Whitepaper and Data Protection Bill

    The TUC has taken issue with the government’s AI whitepaper, published in March 2023, which outlines a “pro-innovation” framework for regulating AI. 

    According to the TUC, the whitepaper’s commitments to ethical AI use in the workplace are “vague” and “flimsy,” leaving much to be desired in terms of concrete protections for workers. 

    Furthermore, the separate Data Protection and Digital Information Bill (DPDI) is criticized for setting a “worrying direction of travel,” with the TUC claiming that it will lead to watered-down protections for employees.

    Addressing AI-Powered Discrimination

    To combat the potential for AI-powered discrimination in the workplace, the TUC has called for greater transparency from employers regarding AI usage in decision-making processes. 

    Additionally, the TUC believes that all AI-driven decisions should be subject to human review, allowing workers the opportunity to challenge any decisions that they feel are unfair. 

    This move, according to the TUC, would help to ensure that AI technology is used ethically and responsibly, minimizing the risk of discrimination and other negative consequences for employees.

    AI Deepens Power Imbalances

    At the AI@Work conference held on April 18, 2023, speakers explored the issues surrounding AI governance in the UK and the impact of AI technology on workers. 

    During the conversation, a significant topic was how AI could worsen the unequal distribution of power within a company or organization. 

    The speakers emphasized the importance of including workers in conversations about the introduction and implementation of new technologies to prevent this from happening.

    Andrew Pakes, deputy general secretary at Prospect Union, argued that while there are important philosophical debates surrounding the values embedded in AI and its overall role in society, the primary practical issue of AI in the workplace is how it perpetuates or magnifies existing power imbalances between employers and employees. 

    Pakes also noted that the shift to remote work, driven by the pandemic, has led to a surge in AI and automated digital surveillance of workers, which in turn has intensified the “datafication” of employees.

    Including Workers in AI Conversations

    Renate Samson, interim associate director at the Ada Lovelace Institute, also highlighted the fact that public and workers have largely been excluded from conversations around the development, deployment, and regulation of AI. 

    To address this issue, Samson suggests that the focus should not solely be on developing trust in AI technology but also on creating mechanisms for redress when trust is broken.

    Echoing the sentiments of Samson, Pakes pointed to the importance of having workers and unions involved in AI discussions, noting that too often, the conversation is driven by government officials, technologists, or experts in the third sector. 

    Pakes argued that workers and unions need to be involved in the regulatory process, as the current regulatory framework is built on “neoliberal market competition” which does not prioritize the interests of workers.


    The TUC’s concerns about AI in the workplace highlight the need for stronger regulations and the involvement of workers in AI-related conversations. 

    Addressing these issues is crucial for ensuring that AI technology is employed responsibly and ethically in the workplace. 

    By prioritizing transparency, fostering open dialogue, and incorporating workers’ voices into decision-making processes, we can mitigate the risks associated with AI, such as discrimination and power imbalances. 

    Ultimately, a collaborative and inclusive approach to AI governance will contribute to a healthier, fairer, and more productive work environment for all.