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© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Before you learn more about advertising and promotions, you should get a basic impression of what advertising is. See What’s “Advertising, Marketing, Promotion, Public Relations and Publicity, and Sales?”. Advertising is specifically part of the “outbound” marketing activities, or activities geared to communicate out to the …
1. Listen to your outgoing phone messages for a few days. How are your vocal habits and voice quality? These are habits you can practice every day. 2. For better projection, open your mouth wider, so that you can articulate each word clearly. This helps with both volume and enunciation. 3. To reduce vocal stress, …
How do you currently communicate globally? Before our modern techniques (of using the web, mobile devices or videos, Skype, etc.,) for communicating, the time it took to converse or correspond internationally took quite a while and we weren’t even sure of how the recipient reacted to what was delivered. But now we can know immediately …
How do we communicate training as a technical writer? Is collaboration a key to good training? Collaboration is how well we work with others, knowing others, and being able to communicate well with others. The right side of the brain helps us with communicating and training and collaborating. As a trainer, a technical writer has …
Sadly, if your presentation is like most, your audience will remember very little of what you say. This is especially true if it is fact-filled, detailed and linear. You will be more successful if you think about creating and delivering a high-level message, and using facts and detail only to support your message. After all, …
How do you communicate updates for your technical documents? With fast growing companies, especially global companies, and frequent technical innovations, how do you let others know, for example, an application, product, manufacturing, business, etc. document has been updated? How do we document the revisions? To be sure that there is an effective process to indicate …
Slide shows getting boring? Next time you get ready to deliver a presentation using slides, review this list and commit to delivering your slides with impact. Decide if a slideshow is really needed. If it adds value to the audience, use it. If you are using it as a crutch, skip it. Don’t just tell. …
Let us say you are familiar with your audience. Even though you know them, when it comes to writing or presenting, how do you know how much to say and in what manner? This is particularly difficult when you have to use technical terms and there is a new system or product. Sometimes you do …