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© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Before you learn more about advertising and promotions, you should get a basic impression of what advertising is. See What’s “Advertising, Marketing, Promotion, Public Relations and Publicity, and Sales?”. Advertising is specifically part of the “outbound” marketing activities, or activities geared to communicate out to the …
A quick show of hands: Who knows what an Editorial Calendar is? Thought so. Nearly every magazine and many business newspapers produce an editorial calendar each year, targeting subjects that they will cover generally in any given week or month for the entire year— from regularly scheduled standing features and shorter stories to columns and …
The first major summer holiday, Memorial Day, has come and gone. Only two more such long weekends will be here and vanished before you know it. Long Live Summer! In deference to the nice weather in most parts of the country today (okay, threats are out there but so are comfy highs) — and to …
Does your company have a crisis communications plan? Regardless of size, every organization should have one for many reasons. First, you owe it to your constituents whether they are stakeholders or users of the service you provide or the wiki you sell. Second, the public at large — and most definitely the news media — …
It’s well established in Dr. John Gray’s best-selling book, Men are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, that males and females communicate differently when trying to relate to each other on different levels. While it’s a slippery slope in the universe of communications to equate this gender-based metaphor to the public relations arena, slide with …
You have sent out your news release. Now what? Get back to what you do best? Take a walk? Sit by the phone and wait? Most people who don’t have a public relations person in their company, or don’t use a PR advisor or agency often make the mistake of thinking that just because the …
A longtime client asked me to post a news release to the media last Friday. I gulped and said to myself, “Where have I gone wrong? How many times have I told them, ‘Any day but Friday?’ Am I totally not communicating clearly in my media-savant communications capacity?” Gulp, and gulp again…. “Can I home …
Media Notification! Avoiding Common Mistakes and Assumptions In my PR career, I’ve heard some unbelievable things people have said about “The Media.” Things that made “The Media” out to be some kind of monolithic machine, the political equivalent of the Teabagger viewpoint about “The Government” (as if “The Government” were one entity. Seriously, are they …