Professional Development/

Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Knowing the potential impact of negative events can help you properly prepare for crisis management The type of crisis you experience can drastically change the impact it has on your organization. To illustrate this point, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer conducted a study of 78 different crises of reputation, and created a chart documenting their impact on …
Social Media Crisis Management: Understand Your Market “Know thy audience.” It’s one of the core directives of crisis management, and communication in general. If you know who you’re talking to it instantly becomes easier to craft an effective message, and to avoid giving offense. Well, when it comes to communication we’re doing a TON of …
Not practicing what you preach is likely to leave you needing crisis management Maryland Attorney General Douglas Gansler, a frequent advocate of stricter laws against underage drinking, landed himself in hot water after pictures of him at a wild party full of teens toting the ubiquitous red Solo cup went viral. The photo wasn’t the …
Repeating the terms you’re seeking to avoid is a massive crisis management mistake Merrie Spaeth’s BIMBO Awards exist to remind us of one of the most common, and damaging, crisis management mistakes out there – repeating the very negative terms you’re trying to avoid. Here are this year’s “Dishonorable Mentions”: “I called you crazy, not …
[Editor’s note: Today we introduce The Weiner Awards, our way to have a bit of fun while spreading the word that the way you use social media can, and often does, bring heavy negative consequences! Here’s a teaser from the lead to the release – the full text can be found on The Weiner Awards …
Anything that assists in staying on top of this incredibly fast-moving medium is an asset Think you’re up to date on the social web? This broad term has come to envelop an incredible number of services and platforms, many of which we use every day. A vital part of being a successful businesses these days, …
The retailer needs Hallmark’s crisis management after changing classic song lyrics for the 2013 Keepsake ornament With every holiday season comes a new set of crises, and it looks like we’re seeing our first major Christmas-related reputation hit. Hallmark is taking a ton of heat online due to the ornament shown below, part of its …