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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Privacy changes a healthy move for social network reputation Widely blasted by regulators and users alive for a lack of effective privacy settings or respect for the sanctity of users’ information, Facebook is far from the cutting edge of the confidentiality movement. However, a recent change is a surprising step in the right direction and …
Managing Doll Retirement: Social Media Crisis Response Dollmaker American Girl was slammed with a major social media backlash after announcing it would be retiring four dolls from its historical character collection, including one of Asian descent and one of African descent. Thousands of Facebook comments and tweets accused the company of everything from ignoring customers …
Taking marketing too far can create a need for crisis management Marketers are battling to see who can be the next viral sensation, but along with that push to be at the leading edge comes the risk of creating reputation issues for yourself in the process. Video game company Ubisoft Ubisoft’s reputation management found this …
Is your iDevice secure? The cyber crises keep rolling in, the latest being a new ransomware threat attack that affects Apple devices – iPhones, iPads and Macs. Making use of the “Find My iPhone”, “Find My iPad”, and “Find My Mac” apps, hackers have found a way to access the cloud-based controls for others’ devices …
More and more believe people should be held responsible for things they say and do online In 2013 we created the Weiner Awards to recognize cases in which individuals disrupt their own lives or careers due to bad behavior on social media, and with a YouGov survey showing more Americans than ever think companies should …
Stinky Milk Mystery Solved by Late Night Crisis Management Delivering the details on crisis management straight to the public via YouTube Baton Rogue, Louisiana-based Kleinpeter Farms Dairy has been chasing the source of mysterious issues with their milk products for months. Despite a quest that saw outside consultants hired, equipment replaced, employees, removed, and the …
Network’s latest hire creates huge crisis management risk Even in an era where many members of the media are more keen on big ratings than credibility, Fox is scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of reputation. While one might expect the network, lambasted regularly for biased reporting and a lack of fact-checking, would …