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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Not taking yourself too seriously is a boon to reputation The Onion is well known for being utterly satirical, yet many organizations who find themselves the focus of a joke are unable to see it as anything but a threat. Earlier this month the American Red Cross was the target of an Onion article titled, …
Memorable Crisis Management Quotes: Meeting Expectations Words of wisdom on keeping everyone happy! One of our fondest sayings here at Bernstein Crisis Management is, “Reputation is your most valuable asset”. Of course, it’s also your most vulnerable asset, constantly at risk of damage from countless angles. What exactly decides your reputation? Well, besides the obvious, …
Could bots sway popular opinion via social media? Chatbots meant to scam users into visiting phishing sites or those featuring paid services have been employed in online chat rooms and instant messaging services for many years, and now we’re seeing their advanced offspring pop up across social media platforms. After all, social media presents massive …
Another “what were they thinking?” moment from a high-profile ad agency Crisis management is not uncommon for advertisements to offend, but once in a while one goes so far that you have to wonder how it was ever approved. This week, ad industry leader Ogilvy & Mather came under major scrutiny from the public after …
Overseas Ad Leaves Ogilvy USA Needing Crisis Management
[Editor’s note: We’re happy to share another guest article from Tony Jaques’ “Managing Outcomes” newsletter. Not only is the strategy discussed a knee-jerk reaction in many boardrooms, but it’s also one of the quickest ways to make your own crisis situation worse.] Bashing others doesn’t help your case: A crisis communication management case study It’s …
Crisis plans should include the possibility of even the highest-ranking employees causing reputation damage Unfortunately, after every tragedy there are some who are going to make wildly inappropriate comments or even joke, and if one of those people is your organization’s co-founder, you have a major reputation management issue on your hands. That’s precisely the …
Working together, these two can make a crisis management dream team. Apart, well, watchout! Getting pairing legal and PR for crisis management teams to work together is a frequent topic on our blogs for a reason. Together, these two can help craft the ideal response to just about any situation, but if they wind up …