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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Crisis Management Case Study: Digiornos Social Media Error Social media crisis management done right DiGiorno landed itself in the middle of a social media firestorm when it accidentally made light of a discussion on domestic abuse by using the #WhyIStayed hashtag, tweeting “#WhyIStayed You had pizza.” Whoever was running the account realized their mistake within …
Are you protecting your most valuable asset? We’ve been saying for years that reputation is, without a doubt, your most valuable asset, and as time rolls on that statement continues to be cemented as truth on an almost daily basis. Whether you’re a massive multinational organization or a single person, your reputation will continue to …
Yet another reminder of the need to include data breaches at your org and others’ in crisis management plans Japan Airlines has joined the data breach club, announcing that hackers had made away personal info belonging to several hundred thousand of its Frequent Flier club members. The Japan Times reports: Hackers may have stolen details …
Would your organization have a plan in place? The Target hack has been dethroned known as the largest data breach after less than a year following Home Depot’s revelation that some 56 million credit and debit cards were exposed to hackers due to an assault via customized malware. The Wall Street Journal’s Robin Sidel reports: …
Recently I was struck by a comment from the St Louis County Police Department, that in predominately black communities such as Ferguson, the police practice a “zero tolerance” policy. So if you’re pulled over for almost anything, and they do that fairly often in these communities, and you have an outstanding warrant or even a …
Even easily avoidable crises don’t dodge themselves When we saw that Malaysia Airlines was holding a contest asking travelers which places were on their “bucket list”, our jaws just about dropped through the floor. Even in a company that’s proven to be insensitive to the feelings of stakeholders, this seemed an impossible mistake, yet here …
A call to action through education The longer crises are allowed to go on without definitive action being taken, the more damage is caused. When you have events like the current Ebola outbreak, that involve not one individual or organization, but many, the response becomes far more complex. In a continuation of its tried-and-true tactic …