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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Making connections using social technology Crafting the perfect press release or determining the ideal story goes a long way, but although we have many tools to self-publish today it still can’t quite compare to the clout a journalist for the right publication carries. Knowing that your average journalist is a heavy social media user, it’s …
Live up to expectations, or get what’s coming to you [Editor’s note: This special post by Jonathan Bernstein touches on a point we’ve been discussing more and more internally over the past year. Whatever you really are, however, you behave “behind closed doors” will come out, and if it doesn’t match up to the image …
Throwing money at the problem isn’t always the best solution As part of its continuing crisis response for the massive hack that exposed the personal data of cheating site Ashley Madison’s customers, page operator Avid Life Media is offering up a $500,000 CDN (~ $380,000 US) reward for information that leads to capture and arrest …
Attributes that will help land your story in front of social media users One of the primary goals of crisis communications is to get your side of the story out there. Not just anywhere, though. What you’re aiming for is to put it straight in front of specific target audiences. Today that often means getting …
Keep clashes from creating lasting damage Conflict will occur. It’s a natural part of human interactions, and the extra factors just about any business throws in the mix means you can never completely avoid it. That said, conflict doesn’t have to result in damage. In fact, handled properly it is entirely possible to have both …
A bad decision made more damaging by poor crisis management Bic has long been criticized for its line of pens marketed toward women, called “Miss Bic” and Bic for Her”, but an ad the pen manufacturer created for South Africa’s Women’s Day pushed the disgust beyond sideline conversation and into the mainstream. Words really can’t …
You can never know too much when it comes to keeping your reputation secure Taking good care of your online reputation is a must no matter where your focus lies. And, with information like that contained in the infographic below found all around the web, there’s no excuse for you not to be doing …