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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Crisis communications in line with stakeholder expectations help mitigate the early impact of a data breach crisis Oftentimes the crises you’ll encounter are a result of something totally beyond your control. This was the case for T-Mobile when a data breach at Experian, which processes credit applications for the cell provider, exposed the data of …
September 16, 2015 – Monrovia, CA — Keeping the Wolves at Bay, the widely used free media training manual published by Jonathan Bernstein, president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., is now being given away in its PDF format. Formerly $10, there will be no charge for the publication as long as demand exists. The hard …
Even the savvy can be caught in media mistakes British Prime Minister David Cameron had an important media skill reminder recently – always assume microphones are on. The PM was miked but off-camera preparing for a speech he was about to deliver when he made cracked a joke, stating, “We just thought people in Yorkshire …
Patching a security risk and creating more in the process The major Uconnect hack that left 1.4 million Chrysler vehicles in danger was pursued vigorously by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, and to its credit, the carmaker acted quickly. The problem is, taking action quickly isn’t always the best route if Chrysler’s crisis management …
How do food recalls affect your business? Food recalls are the most common type of recall we see. Just because they’re common doesn’t render their impact any less though. Indeed, food recalls have an affect on many aspects of business you may not have ever considered. If you haven’t given too much thought to exactly …
Impacting the way people see and think about your organization The way you represent yourself online means a LOT these days. In fact, how you’re perceived on the Internet can either win you hearts and minds, or send people running.
A quick guide to get you working on this priceless crisis management ability Speaking in front of any group of people is a fear most humans share. Add cameras, and you push the stress levels straight into the stratosphere. You won’t find articles touting “That One Crazy Trick Media Trainers Hate!”, or books selling “Five …