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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Research shows that successful social enterprises often share common characteristics. There are many theories why some social enterprises flourish while others languish. Is it leadership, business planning, funding, market, or timing that makes a successful social enterprise? Joining Vision and Action is dedicated to providing social enterprises, nonprofits, and government agencies with the tools and …
Connectivity comes at a price There’s a clear trend towards connecting just about everything to the internet. It makes things more convenient, it makes devices of all kinds more dynamic, and people just plain like it. But, with those positives come risks as well. As with anything that has internet connectivity, your connected “things” can …
As this issue gains recognition, new services arise Insurance giant Chubb’s new offering of cyber bullying coverage for its homeowners insurance clients is a sign of the times, as more and more the issue is being recognized as a significant, and often financially harmful, problem. Reuters reports on the coverage: Up to 40 percent of …
Protect this most valuable asset You simply can’t afford to ignore your online reputation. Stakeholders, both current and potential, will be searching your name, looking through reviews, and investigating your social media presence before choosing to do business with you. Yet, so often company leadership has little to no interest in making sure this vital …
Eye-opening figures on targeted attacks In our last post we discussed spear-phishing and “whaling” attacks – targeted hacks that take aim at specific companies and even specific individuals. According to Symantec, these attacks are drastically increasing, rising 55% in 2015 alone. This isn’t like being struck by lightning, either. Research found that large businesses targeted …
Targeted attacks can cost you big bucks Spear phishing, or using what appears to be a legit email to fool specific targets into divulging sensitive information or taking other detrimental action, is growing in popularity thanks to the widespread availability of personal information on the internet. The latest variant of the attack, being called “whaling”, …
It takes work to share with people how great you really are! Protecting and growing your reputation should be a daily activity for any organization. It’s no accident that you hear about certain brands over and over again. The smart ones are out there proactively working to make sure you know exactly how awesome they …