Overview of Nonprofit Fundraising Sources and Approaches

Sections of this topic

    Overview of Nonprofit
    Fundraising Sources and Approaches

    © Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

    Sections in This Topic Include the Following

    Basic Guidelines for Fundraising
    Typical Funding Sources and Advantages-Disadvantages
    of Each

    Information for Smaller Nonprofits

    Also consider
    Related Library Topics

    General Guidelines
    for Fundraising

    In addition to the guidelines included in the large amount of
    other fundraising information referenced from the library:
    · Ensure the board is strongly involved in fundraising
    planning and implementation
    · Develop fundraising goals to be the resources needed
    to reach the strategic goals identified during strategic planning
    · Identify a variety of funding sources for each goal and
    the particular fundraising strategies preferred by each of the
    sources (the above-mentioned Web page provides a good overview
    of various strategies and where they should be used)
    · Ensure your plans specify who will be doing what fundraising,
    so you don’t have sources who become overwhelmed or irritated
    by repeated solicitations from different people in your organization

    “The Complete Guide to Nonprofit Management” by Smith,
    Bucklin and Associates suggests:
    · The most important aspect of fundraising is excellent
    public relations, that is, ensuring that your community has a
    strong, positive impression of your organization
    · Establish an organizational structure to implement the
    fundraising plan, including:

      Board Executive Committee – Establishes priorities
      and goals and approves the plan

      Outreach/Marketing Committee – Identifies potential
      donors and coordinates efforts to promote fundraising

      Fundraising Committee – Leads development and implementation
      of the plan, and approaches donors

      Volunteer Coordinator – Coordinates volunteer efforts,
      including identifying where volunteers might help, recruiting
      volunteers, ensuring they are effective and that they are recognized

      Information processing – Assign staff to develop and
      maintain the fundraising database

      Accounting – Be sure to include moneys raised in your
      accounting system

      Donation processing – Have staff available to process
      donations (cashing checks, sending notes of appreciation, updating
      the fundraising database, etc.)

    · Most fundraising is done in the fall of the year when
    corporations are doing their planning for the following year
    · Corporations typically require a written proposal
    · Foundations rarely fund operating costs, that is, costs
    to support central administration of an organization, rather than
    specific programs which directly deliver services
    · Consider approaching a local advertising, marketing or
    public relations firm for pro bono advice. Regularly send these
    companies evidence of the successes of your organization to keep
    them up to date on your organization.
    · Consider using third-class mailing, which is cheaper
    than first-class, but sometimes takes as much as two weeks longer
    to arrive. Expedite arrival of third-class mail by using bar codes
    and nine-digit zip codes.

    Typical Funding Sources and Advantages/Disadvantages of Each
    (Credit to Ellen M. Hatfield of the Twin Cities in Minnesota)




    Individuals · Largest source of giving
    · Ongoing source one can build
    · Once a giver, also an advocate
    · Volunteers are a good source of money
    · Costly to develop, small return
    per individual unit
    · Hard to generate unless broad-based direct service appeal

    · Risky for the inexperienced
    · Need significant assistance from the organization’s
    board and volunteers

    Large-Family Foundations · Source of large sums of money

    · Accessible, professional staff
    · Clear guidelines, process
    · Most likely to research your request
    · Board volunteers can help, not always key

    · Start-up funds only
    · Lengthy process
    · More difficult to access through personal influence

    · Proposals may be more lengthy

    Community Foundations · Much like large-family
    · Staff may be sufficient
    · Host of foundations within
    · Most money is earmarked, special funds
    Small-Family Foundations · May fund ongoing operating
    · Personal influence with board members helps
    · Guidelines often broad
    · Not very fussy about grant format
    · Hard to access, no professional
    · Often not large sums of money
    · Without personal influence, may not be possible
    Large Corporations / Corporate
    · Can be source of large
    sums of money
    · Smaller amounts of money may be ongoing
    · Often accessible, professional staff
    · May be tied to volunteer involvement
    · Business strategy may be clear
    · Source of cause-related marketing
    · Large sums of money aren’t
    · Hard to get around staff
    · Must be within their guidelines
    · Not likely to contribute if not headquartered locally
    or have a public consumer base
    · Often want board representation
    Small Corporations · Very informal approach
    · Money may be ongoing
    · Personal connections will suffice
    · Neighborhood focus will help
    · Small amounts of money
    · Narrow range of interest
    · Personal contacts are key
    Federated Funds (United Ways,
    United Arts, Combined Health Appeal)
    · Steady source of relatively
    large sums of money
    · Clear process
    · Professional staff, can be agency staff driven
    · Generally can’t be a start-up
    · Must be social service and fit priority focus
    · Very lengthy entry process
    · Very time consuming as must be part of yearly fund raising
    process, with periodic in-depth review
    Government · Large sums of money possible

    · Process is set, clear
    · Political clout helps
    · May be source of ongoing money

    · Application procedures
    may be long, tedious
    · May only pay by unit of service, fluctuates
    · Unspent monies may be returned
    · Difficult record keeping
    Churches and Organizations · Often looking for group
    · In-kind services most likely

    · Need to fit their service focus, neighborhood or religious

    for Smaller Nonprofits

    For smaller nonprofits (e.g., with budgets under $100,000 or so),
    Smith, Bucklin and Associates (in “The Complete Guide to
    Nonprofit Management”) recommend:
    · Start with internal solicitations to board members, staff
    and members of your organization (if you are chartered on a membership
    · Look to the donors who can make the largest contributions.
    Write them, call them and arrange a visit. Offer a co-sponsorship
    to events.
    · Next, prepare a detailed donor list and offer them a
    range of options.
    · Then go to the smaller donations list.

    For the Category of Fundraising (Nonprofit):

    To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.

    Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

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