New Paradigm in Management

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    Your Guide

    New Paradigm in Management

    © Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

    Sections of This Topic Include

    Driving Forces of Change
    Traits of the New Paradigm
    Additional Online Readings
    Paradigm in Management

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    Library’s Leadership

    Driving Forces of Change

    Around the 1960s and on to today, the environment of today’s
    organizations has changed a great deal. A variety of driving forces
    provoke this change. Increasing telecommunications has “shrunk”
    the world substantially. Increasing diversity of workers has brought
    in a wide array of differing values, perspectives and expectations
    among workers. Public consciousness has become much more sensitive
    and demanding that organizations be more socially responsible.
    Much of the third-world countries has joined the global marketplace,
    creating a wider arena for sales and services. Organizations became
    responsible not only to stockholders (those who owned stock) but
    to a wider community of “stakeholders.”

    As a result of the above driving forces, organizations were
    required to adopt a “new paradigm,” or view on the world,
    to be more sensitive, flexible and adaptable to the demands and
    expectations of stakeholder demands. Many organizations have abandoned
    or are abandoning the traditional top-down, rigid and hierarchical
    structures to more “organic” and fluid forms.

    Today’s leaders and/or managers must deal with continual,
    rapid change. Managers faced with a major decision can no longer
    refer back to an earlier developed plan for direction. Management
    techniques must continually notice changes in the environment
    and organization, assess this change and manage change. Managing
    change does not mean controlling it, rather understanding it,
    adapting to it where necessary and guiding it when possible.

    Managers can’t know it all or reference resources for
    every situation. Managers must count on and listen more to their
    employees. Consequently, new forms of organizations are becoming
    more common, e.g., worker-centered teams, self-organizing and
    self-designing teams, etc.

    Traits of the New Paradigm

    Marilyn Ferguson, in The New Paradigm: Emerging Strategic for
    Leadership and Organizational Change (Michael Ray and Alan Rinzler,
    Eds., 1993, New Consciousness Reader), provides a very concise
    overview of the differences between the old and new paradigm.
    (The following is summarized.)

    Old Paradigm

    New Paradigm

    promote consumption at all costs appropriate consumption
    people to fit jobs jobs to fit people
    imposed goals, top-down decision making autonomy encouraged, worker participation
    fragmentation in work and roles cross-fertilization by specialists seeing wide relevance
    identification with job identity transcends job description
    clock model of company recognition of uncertainty
    aggression, competition cooperation
    work and play separate blurring of work and play
    manipulation and dominance cooperation with nature
    struggle for stability sense of change, of becoming
    quantitative qualitative as well as quantitative
    strictly economic motives spiritual values transcend material gain
    polarized transcends polarities
    short-sighted ecologically sensitive
    rational rational and intuitive
    emphasis on short-term solutions recognition that long-range efficiency must take in to account
    harmonious work environment
    centralized operations decentralized operations when possible
    runaway, unbridled technology appropriate technology
    allopathic treatment of symptoms attempt to understand the whole, locate deep underlying causes
    of disharmony

    Additional Online Readings

    a Paradigm-shifting Device

    Management Styles
    see “Future of Management Development”

    Management as a Profession: A Business Lawyer’s

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