How algorithms work on social networks and why they are important for your business?

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    In order to talk about how algorithms on social networks choose what is popular and what is not, we must first introduce you to what exactly algorithms on social networks do, and why are they important for your business?

    In the simplest terms, algorithms on social networks are actually a series of instructions coded according to the cause-and-effect principle.

    It’s the algorithms that are in charge of keeping your attention in spending more time on social networks by advertising the content for you, based on what you browse on a daily basis.

    Every day, a million small decisions are made on your behalf without you even being aware of it. Everything you see on the Internet through search and on social networks is decided by an algorithm.

    If during the day, for example, you searched for an ad on the Internet, for example a car. The algorithm will immediately give you recommendations to check on the other car ads.

    For example, if you click on one car brand, the algorithm will immediately offer you more ads of that car brand.

    The algorithm map can predict every possible path from point A to point B and see what you’re actually interested in.

    How to use algorithms in your favor to better introduce your business on social networks and gain followers?

    The importance of algorithms and how they work means everything on your browser, you should know that if there were no algorithms, there would be no search engines.

    When it comes to social networks, algorithms are in charge of maintaining order and assisting in the ranking of content and advertisements. Each network has its own algorithm that affects almost all processes of a platform.


    For example, many platforms today use hashtags (#) in their search engines to make it easier to find a desired term or topics related to that given term.

    On Twitter, you can find millions of posts via hashtags.

    A hashtag is a label used on social media sites that makes it easier to find information with a theme or specific content. Hashtags encourage social media users to explore content that catches their eye.

    Hashtags are a powerful way to reach new audiences and grow your account, but it takes time and effort to see big results. Whether you use 10 or 30, a consistent hashtag strategy is still one of the most effective routes for growth on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.

    Associations can use hashtags to reach their targeted audience and to help members to filter information.

    Through hashtags, algorithms easily recognize what you are looking for and thus offer you to look at something related to that topic.

    In this article, I would like to mention a few popular social networks that have defined the way how algorithms work on their platforms in the past few years.


    Mark Zuckerberg said that the Facebook algorithm will emphasize “meaningful interactions” with friends and family more than content related to pages and brands, he said that “the services provided by Facebook should not only be for fun but also for well-being of their users.”

    He added that companies and businesses should work much harder than before in order to attract the attention of users and customers. However, he came out on Facebook with some advice on what brands and companies should do in order to reach a larger audience.

    social media

    The new Facebook algorithm prioritizes more active interactions through commenting and sharing, and the idea that instead of passively scrolling the NEWS Feed, users are inspired to engage in conversations.

    In order for your advertisement or post on Facebook to be visible to a larger audience, it is advised that you have a lot of comments and likes on it so that Facebook’s algorithm will pay attention to that post or advertisement when the customer is searching for specific terms that are mentioned in the post through their search browser.

    The easiest way to advertise your ad and content is through Facebook ads, where you can choose the option to target the specific audience that you want to see your ads or posts.


    The Instagram algorithm tracks the amount of time spent viewing your posts and measures your popularity based on that., the algorithm first looks at posts you’ve interacted with in the past. It then finds out who else has interacted with those posts and what other accounts are interested in it. 

    In order to get interaction, you have to selflessly give feedback. By replying to comments, you’re not only showing love to your followers, you’re increasing the chances of your posts appearing in their feed.

    Not only does the algorithm take into account how many interactions your post gets, but it also measures how fast the interactions are happening.

    If you want to “beat” the Instagram algorithm, come up with interesting descriptions under your posts. If the first few words below your post intrigue your followers, they are more likely to read the entire description and more likely to engage.

    Also use a lot of hashtags ( # ). Hashtags can make your post appear in a search engine and thus link your account to Google, Bing or any other search engine you use to the specific term that was used on Instagram.


    As TikTok slowly approaches 1.6 billion active users worldwide, it is very important that we get to know and understand the app in the right way.

    The use of TikTok is made much easier by the use of hashtags. Just like Instagram – they make it easier to search later and help users find your video and content more easily. Also, it is useful for brands as they can create their own distinctive (#)hashtag.

    Most popular hashtag on Tik Tok is #fyp and it stands for #For You page. Many users believe that using #fyp or #ForYou will make their content popular, but this has not been confirmed yet.

    TikTok has never confirmed this, and these hashtags do not guarantee you any viral success. It is still recommended that you focus more on crafting the right hashtags that describe your video content.

    Judging by the tips from the forums, Tik Tok users advise that by using #fyp and certain popular Tik Tok tunes, you can still make your video viral and that the algorithm will therefore push your content to the “For you page” for using this hashtag and certain popular tunes.

    For now, one thing is certain, this popular social network will give you a lot of views if you post interesting and short video content which can lead to more followers and popularity of your account.

    Tik Tok is a very fast platform and experts say that on it you have to think about conveying information briefly and clearly in short video formats. So make sure that you post High-quality interesting short ads or videos that will give you lot of views and reactions from the public which will gain attention to the algorithm to post it on users For you page.


    The Twitter algorithm determines all the highly relevant tweets and shows them on top. As we said, twitter uses a hashtag (#) system and when you tweet it is expected from you to put your #hashtag and thus start a topic.

    Often when you search your browser through # a term, you will come across will be a post from Twitter.

    That’s why it’s important to draw the attention of your audience to a specific term by starting a #hashtag and that way your Tweet will be shared further and your #hashtag will be used as the original one.

    Also, popular hashtags can bring you a lot of attention. if you use, for example, #hashtag, which is used by many and that is, for example, current popular events or topics that everyone is talking about, it is very likely that in the sea of ​​information that is under that hashtag, many people will see what you have to say about it.

    This way of using the #hashtag is used by many other networks that we have listed in this article as well as those that we have not, but it is one way for the algorithm to recognize your ad or post and thus suggest it to others to view.


    The Youtube algorithm selects videos for each particular user based on the performance of the video itself and the search and watch history of the viewer.

    When you want to upload a video on YouTube, remember to create an interesting thumbnail that will attract the attention of the viewer to click on your video.

    Try to clearly define the title of your YouTube video, so that the target audience knows what the video is about. Write clear titles and description of the video to get more views.

    In the past few years, YouTube has made changes to its algorithm.

    YouTube says that their algorithm in 2022 is focused on “Feedback loop in real-time that recommends videos to individual viewers according to their different interests.”

    social media graphics

    In addition to the mentioned social networks, there are many other social networks that will help you advertise your brand or business.

    In this article we have listed only a few social networks. Now that you know how algorithms work, you will know how to manage your profile on other social networks as well, such as: Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Flickr, Snapchat, Vimeo, LinkedIn etc …

    Try to find which social network suits you best and through whose algorithm you navigate best, if you have carefully followed the advice and paid attention to it, success is guaranteed.