Google’s Enigmatic PaLM 2: A New Era of AI Development Shrouded in Mystery

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    In this article, we delve into Google’s recent launch of the Pathways Language Model 2 (PaLM 2), a significant yet cryptic development in the field of Artificial Intelligence. 

    We investigate why Google, following in the footsteps of OpenAI, has opted for an unprecedented level of secrecy, withholding detailed information about this new AI program.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Google’s new AI program, PaLM 2, introduced without revealing significant technical details, is a significant pivot from the tradition of open-source AI research.
    • PaLM 2 is a generative AI program, capable of producing text clusters in response to prompts for tasks like question answering and software coding.
    • Google’s shift towards secrecy aligns with OpenAI’s similar approach with their generative AI program, GPT-4.
    • PaLM 2 manages to maintain a balance between the amount of training data and the size of the program, marking an important shift away from larger models towards more efficient architectures.
    • Google’s new model uses nearly five times more text data for training than its predecessor, leading to more advanced coding, math, and creative writing tasks.
    • Despite the increase in training data, PaLM 2 is smaller and more efficient than previous models, indicating an evolution in the company’s AI technology.

    Google’s Mysterious New AI: PaLM 2

    In the panorama of artificial intelligence, Google has unveiled its newest member, the enigmatic PaLM 2.

    qaThis new program, a successor to the original Pathways Language Model (PaLM), was introduced without the usual fanfare of technical details.

    One year ago, Google’s AI scientists spent several pages in a technical paper explaining the sophisticated techniques behind the first PaLM.

    Yet, with the sequel, they’ve chosen a different route, providing only the bare minimum of information, leading to intrigue in the AI community.

    The Shift from Open-Source to Secrecy in AI Research

    Historically, AI research has been an open book.

    Most scientists were eager to share their breakthroughs, contributing to the knowledge pool with open-source software and thorough insights into program architecture.

    However, Google’s stance with PaLM 2 deviates from this tradition, echoing the approach of another tech giant, OpenAI.

    When OpenAI launched its GPT-4, it stunned the research community by keeping its cards close to its chest, providing no detailed disclosure of its latest “generative AI” program.

    Google seems to be following suit, a move that signals a possible industry-wide trend towards less transparency.

    PaLM 2: A New Direction in Generative AI

    The PaLM 2 program is not just another AI tool; it’s a generative AI program, a unique breed of AI that generates text responses to prompts.

    This capability allows it to perform a variety of tasks, from answering questions to coding software.

    Despite the lack of detailed information, Google’s brief introduction suggests that PaLM 2 is a descendant of The Transformer, a breakthrough program revealed by Google in 2017.

    The Transformer was quickly adopted by the AI community and used to develop various natural language processing programs.

    However, unlike its predecessor, PaLM 2’s detailed architecture and further development remain a secret.

    The Balance of Program Size and Training Data

    A notable feature of the PaLM 2 program, as gleaned from the sparse details, is its balance between the amount of training data and the size of the program.

    While the general trend in AI has been towards larger and larger models, PaLM 2 seems to buck that trend.

    The authors suggest that they’ve managed to make the program more compact without compromising its capabilities, a significant deviation from the norm.

    Finding this “sweet spot” between the program’s size and the amount of training data has led to improvements in accuracy on benchmark tests, proving that bigger is not always better in AI.

    Google’s Approach to Increasing Efficiency in AI Training

    The launch of PaLM 2 also signals a shift in Google’s approach to AI training.

    Despite using nearly five times more training data than its predecessor, PaLM 2 is smaller and more efficient.

    This efficiency is not just about the size of the program; it extends to the model’s overall performance.

    PaLM 2 uses a “compute-optimal scaling” technique, which makes it more efficient with better performance.

    This includes faster inference, fewer parameters to serve, and lower serving costs.

    In addition, Google’s new AI model supports a broad range of tasks and is already being used to power 25 features and products.


    Google’s unveiling of PaLM 2 has been a significant event in the AI landscape.

    The company’s decision to keep the intricacies of its new AI program a secret marks a departure from the open-source tradition that has typified AI research for decades.

    While the cloak of secrecy surrounding PaLM 2 has raised some eyebrows, there’s no denying that it’s a symbol of the evolving landscape of AI.

    This new direction points to a future where AI companies may prioritize their competitive edge over open-source collaboration.

    Despite the lack of details, it’s clear that PaLM 2 is a substantial advancement in the field of generative AI.

    With its ability to balance program size and training data, Google is challenging the status quo, showing that more significant isn’t always better in the world of AI.

    The efficiency of PaLM 2, both in terms of its size and its performance, is a testament to Google’s innovative approach to AI development.

    It’s clear that Google is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with AI, paving the way for more advanced, efficient, and compact AI programs in the future.

    The introduction of PaLM 2 has also sparked discussions about the ethics and transparency of AI research.

    The lack of information provided by Google and OpenAI raises questions about the direction in which AI research is moving.

    While the move towards secrecy may be a response to the competitive nature of the industry, it has also highlighted the need for a balance between competition and collaboration in the field of AI.