Bard, Google’s Controversial Chatbot: A Dangerous Misstep in the AI Race?

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    In this article, we’ll examine the concerns surrounding Google’s chatbot Bard, which has been deemed “worse than useless” and “a pathological liar” by the company’s own employees, as Google reportedly rushes its development to compete with rivals Microsoft and OpenAI.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Google employees criticize Bard’s safety and usefulness in internal messages.
    • The company is accused of sidelining ethical concerns to keep up with competitors.
    • Bard has been found to give dangerous and misleading advice on various topics.
    • Employees claim Google is prioritizing business over safety and ethical commitments.

    Bard’s Disturbing Internal Reviews

    Google’s ambitious chatbot project, Bard, has faced significant backlash from its own employees, who shared alarming concerns about its performance and accuracy. 

    According to a report from Bloomberg, 18 current and former Google employees expressed their dissatisfaction with Bard, referring to it as “worse than useless” and a “pathological liar.” 

    The internal messages paint a worrying picture of Bard’s potential dangers, as it has been found to offer misleading and potentially life-threatening advice on topics ranging from landing an airplane to scuba diving.

    This unsettling feedback has raised eyebrows, particularly considering that Google, a company known for prioritizing safety and ethics in AI development, appears to have pushed ahead with the project despite these concerns. 

    The decision to launch Bard’s experimental version in March, even after an internal safety team deemed it not ready for general use, has left many questioning the company’s commitment to ethical AI practices.

    Ethical Concerns Pushed Aside

    The internal discussions surrounding Bard reveal a trend of sidelining ethical considerations in favor of business interests. 

    Google’s past actions, such as the dismissal of AI researchers Timnit Gebru and Margaret Mitchell in late 2020 and early 2021, have already drawn criticism for the company’s perceived lack of commitment to addressing the flaws in AI language systems. 

    The researchers’ paper, which exposed issues in the very systems that support chatbots like Bard, seemed to have little impact on Google’s approach to Bard’s development.

    The growing discontent among employees, who claim that Google has become more focused on business than safety, suggests that the company may be prioritizing competition with rivals like Microsoft and OpenAI over maintaining ethical standards. 

    This raises important questions about the long-term implications of sacrificing ethics for the sake of rapid technological advancements in AI.

    Competing with Microsoft and OpenAI

    Google’s apparent eagerness to compete with Microsoft and OpenAI in the chatbot market has led to a series of rushed decisions, as illustrated by the company’s overruling of the internal safety team’s risk evaluation. 

    While Microsoft and OpenAI have also faced criticism for their AI developments, their positions as non-leaders in the search industry mean they have less at stake in the race for chatbot supremacy.

    Despite the numerous concerns raised about Bard, Google continues to defend its commitment to AI ethics. 

    According to Brian Gabriel, who speaks for the company, they are still putting money into the groups responsible for using their AI rules on their technology.

    However, Bard’s performance when compared to Microsoft’s Bing chatbot and OpenAI’s ChatGPT tells a different story, with Google’s system consistently underperforming in terms of usefulness and accuracy.

    AI Ethics: A Fading Priority?

    As technology giants like Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI strive to develop increasingly advanced AI chatbots, the question of ethical considerations becomes more pressing. 

    Reports of Bard’s shortcomings and Google’s alleged neglect of ethical concerns suggest that the pursuit of AI technology may be overshadowing the importance of ensuring that AI systems are safe and reliable for end users.

    Meredith Whittaker, a former Google manager, told Bloomberg that AI ethics have taken a back seat in the race to develop chatbots. 

    She emphasized that if ethics do not take precedence over profit and growth, they will not ultimately work. 

    The recent events surrounding Bard’s development serve as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of prioritizing business interests over the safety and well-being of users.


    The mounting concerns about Google’s chatbot Bard and the company’s apparent willingness to overlook ethical considerations in pursuit of AI advancements have generated significant debate about the priorities of tech giants in this rapidly evolving field. 

    As AI technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the responsibility falls on tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI to strike a balance between innovation and ethical considerations. 

    Ensuring that AI systems are safe, reliable, and designed with the best interests of end users in mind is crucial to prevent potential harm and preserve public trust in these groundbreaking technologies.

    The controversy surrounding Bard serves as a wake-up call for the tech industry to reassess its priorities and recommit to upholding the ethical standards that should guide AI development. 

    As more AI-powered tools and applications permeate our daily lives, the importance of addressing the ethical implications of these technologies cannot be overstated.

    To maintain a responsible approach to AI development, companies must establish robust internal review processes, encourage open discussion of ethical concerns, and be willing to adjust their strategies when potential issues arise. 

    Additionally, fostering collaboration and sharing best practices within the industry can help ensure that AI advancements are guided by a collective commitment to ethical principles.