Starting a Business

How to Register a Business Name in Texas: 2024 Guide
I’m generally not a great fan of business plan competitions, for two reasons. First, they can consume huge amounts of time often with little benefit to those who don’t win. And, unfortunately, lately they have become more about the “pitch” and less about quality research and business competitiveness. Actual success in the marketplace won’t be …
Introducing our comprehensive guide on registering a business name in Montana! Whether you’re an enthusiastic entrepreneur or looking to expand your operations into the beautiful state of Big Sky Country, it’s crucial to ensure legal compliance and establish a strong brand identity through proper business name registration.  In this guide, we will walk you through …
Introducing the ultimate guide to registering a business name in Alabama! Whether you’re launching a fresh endeavor or seeking to legitimize an existing one, it’s essential to go through the process of registering your business name to establish your presence within the state. In Alabama, you have various options, such as creating an LLC or …

More in Starting a Business

Boardroom presentations are an important part of every senior executive’s personal and professional development. Following the 10 tips outlined below will help you to present like an experienced professional and help your board to make the best and most appropriate decisions following your presentations. It is far easier to progress your career when you are …
(This is a guest post by Nick Lindsay of Elemental CoSec) In recent years, executive remuneration has moved from its traditional ambit of corporate governance circles and company secretary forums to the public eye. In the UK, the last six months, has seen a particular focus on what many in the media see as ‘excessive …
There’s been a fair amount of interest lately in how to write your business plan quickly, say in a weekend. The most well-known is called Startup Weekend, which promises to turn strangers into teams with a completed business plan in an intensive 54-hour weekend marathon. Is this a good idea? There’s also a new book, …
The table below summarizes the definition of each component of the Drivers Model. Vision A picture of the “preferred future”; a statement that describes how the future will look if the organization fulfills its mission. To be the place where meeting planners meet Mission A statement of the overall purpose of an organization which describes …
Ingrid is a director on the board of a small listed company. The Chairman is an ‘industry veteran’ and, whilst greatly respected for his experience and knowledge is also followed by a reputation for drinking more alcohol than he can safely handle. For the past two years all has gone well and Ingrid has grown …
Company directors are currently working harder than ever before as they attempt to steer their companies through the chaos caused by the global financial crisis. Many organisations that have suffered (or even precipitated) the crisis displayed most of the externally visible attributes of good governance. Good governance structures and reporting are associated with good corporate …
Herman has been invited to join the board of a not-for-profit organisation that provides specialist education and training for the non-profit sector. The invitation was extended to him by the CEO who is also the founder and the principal deliverer of services. Due diligence shows that the company is profitable (making a small but comfortable …