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Business Laws & Ethics

Will Beneficial Ownership Registers Become Global?

Will beneficial ownership registers spread around the World? Governments have become more and more focused on the risks posed by opaque and confidential corporate structures. In particular the ability of a certain type of person to use such structures to hide the true ownership and origin of funds, thereby facilitating tax evasion and money laundering. …
One of the biggest misconceptions about the Fundraising Committee is that its members are to do the fundraising for the nonprofit. No, the job of the Fundraising Committee is to ensure that the fundraising is done very well. The actual fundraising should be done by all Board members, with various staff members supporting those Board …
The window is closing for Johnson & Johnson to retain realistic hopes of regaining its trusted position with customers. Customers are moving away from the brand and are increasingly finding suitable substitutes. Today’s New York Times offers an update on what is happening with J&J. But what is most striking to me is how this …
Three common issues that can hamper even skilled, ethical and intelligent directors: conflicted relationships, committee thinking and shareholding!
Today’s business press reports that a lawsuit filed last week on behalf of Johnson & Johnson shareholders accused the company’s directors of ignoring “red flags” foreshadowing product recalls and government probes of manufacturing defects and marketing practices. The lawsuit alleges that while J&J once set “the gold standard for integrity and excellence,” the directors’ “utter …
I have to admit that I have a conflict of interest here. All four of my kids have attended Maimonides School in Brookline, Massachusetts. But the story below from is a good example of how we can instill values in our kids in ways that matter…to them and to us. In the last girls’ …
A powerful tool was made available to the public yesterday. In research reported Thursday in the journal Science, scientists at Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Google and the Encyclopedia Britannica unveiled a database of two billion words and phrases drawn from 5.2 million books in Google’s digital library published during the past 200 years. …
Many directors of Government owned enterprises take up the role because they want to have an effect on the organisation and, through the organisation, on the society they live in and will bequeath to their children. Even directors who do not profess a burning sense of mission will admit to a deep sense of responsibility for organisational and societal outcomes. Only directors who can apply their passion in a board-appropriate manner will successfully manage to influence events and corporations. Few directors receive any training in how to do this.