Professional Development

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You may have heard the expression, ‘Energy flows where Attention Goes’. I’ve used this principle many times to be mindful of where I’m feeding my attention and energy. Lately I’ve been paying attention to and receiving wonderful energy from grateful clients. Sharing Gratitude This week I received two lovely emails from clients who told me …
What are peer coaching groups? Information on this page assumes that you have read the information at How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group. Standard Questions What is a PCG? What Process Does a PCG Use? Who Joins a PCG? What Does “Coaching” Mean in a PCG? What Do People Get Coached On in …
Introduction Purpose of This Information The following information and resources are focused on the most important guidelines and materials for you to develop a basic, practical, and successful PCG. The information is intended for anyone, although it helps if you have at least some basic experience in working with groups. All aspects of this offering …

More in Professional Development

The wrong path. Alex was explaining some startling figures to the head of a global division with $7 billion in sales. Craig was thirty eight but had already been in this job for several years. Alex’s team had built the figures from many global data bases and cross-checked them exhaustively. They showed that the division’s …
The wrong words online can come back to haunt you The case of Justin Carter, the Central Texas teen jailed for over five months as a result of a Facebook comment, is a powerful lesson in just how serious social media has gotten, and why your personal crisis management considerations should include careful censorship of …
Impact Investing continues to garner a lot of attention, at Davos, at the Clinton Global Initiative, at the G8 Summit, and at social enterprises big and small. But it’s still having little financial impact. For now, big institutional investors are not participating. Until they do, impact investing will remain small.
“I know I should delegate but: “I can do it faster…He won’t be able to get it done on time…she’s bound to make some mistakes.” These are things I’ve been hearing frequently from overworked, stressed out managers. I jokingly mentioned, in a recent presentation, if there was something in the air that’s causing this outbreak …
…It’s Your Money and Corporate is to Blame That Your Not Getting It. We all know people who follow their supervisor’s every whim – blowing the way the wind blows. For some reason, you can’t do that. You’re too independent, too creative, but competent nonetheless. Still, you’re being set up to fail. It’s all about …
Last weekend I attended a seminar with Tara Brach and Jonathan Foust, two excellent Buddhist teachers on Conscious Living. Tara talked about living in your ‘false refuge’, that place where you go to hide or escape so that you don’t have to connect with others authentically. When you are angry or hurt, do you complain …
How Microsoft handled heavy backlash over XBox One announcement When Microsoft announced that its upcoming Xbox One game console would require a once-daily “check-in” online, as well as severely restrict the ability to play, trade and sell used games, it set off an explosion of outrage among the gaming community, a community which consists of …