Professional Development

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Most leaders know it’s important to work with their team to define goals, but the conversation shouldn’t stop there. You also need to agree on the mechanics of how the team will get the work done. Here are four things that must be clear to every team member. 1. Roles and Responsibilities. Every member needs …
What are peer coaching groups? Information on this page assumes that you have read the information at How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group. Standard Questions What is a PCG? What Process Does a PCG Use? Who Joins a PCG? What Does “Coaching” Mean in a PCG? What Do People Get Coached On in …
Introduction Purpose of This Information The following information and resources are focused on the most important guidelines and materials for you to develop a basic, practical, and successful PCG. The information is intended for anyone, although it helps if you have at least some basic experience in working with groups. All aspects of this offering …

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You want your work to be more meaningful. You long for work that serves a higher purpose. You feel a disconnection between what you do for a career and your calling, your life purpose. If these describe you, you are not alone. From 20-somethings to Baby-boomers, more people are waking up from their slumber and …
Throughout a facilitated session, you use three parking boards to track important information: The "decisions list" identified decisions or recommendations made by the group during the session. The “issues list” included topics that need to be discussed later in the session or entirely outside the session. The "actions list" documented actions to be performed sometime after the completion of the session. At the end of the meeting, review all three parking boards, starting with the decisions list.
Rockstar’s reputation may hang in the balance With Grand Theft Auto V claiming the record for not only the fastest-selling video game but also the fastest-selling entertainment product of all time, creator Rockstar North is in crisis management mode as it prepares its servers to handle millions more players than expected at the launch of its …
Should I take this offer or wait for a better one? Should we go with the candidate who has the most experience or the one who needs seasoning but has fire in the belly? Do we purchase n a new computer system now or wait until the next fiscal year? Over the years, as an …
Coca-Cola Crisis Management Fail: Ignoring Basics Always ask, “Who could be offended by this?” When launching a major promo for a product, it’s Crisis Management 101, it’s very important to do your homework to ensure that you won’t be creating an ugly situation in the process. After reading about Coca-Cola’s latest marketing #fail there should …
The Only Form of Problem-Solving What would you say if I were to say there are no secret processes to be had–just the basic process we can apply to every plan we have to make and every problem we have to solve? I hope you would be flabbergasted, but believe me when I say it …
A Guest Post by Tony Poderis In my opinion, there are limits (compared to the business sector) for nonprofit organizations regarding the building of their markets, the percent return on activities, investment for the future, general operational efficiencies, and some business practices and tools. There are things nonprofit organizations simply cannot do, which are second …