Professional Development

4 Best Product Management Software in 2023
Refusing to respect the wants of customers is a bad business plan Is anyone else disgusted that it’s no longer shocking to see a major telecomms provider standing staunchly against the wants of their customers? Online privacy is one of the fastest-rising influences of consumer decisions today, yet AT&T has gone full scumbag when it …
What are peer coaching groups? Information on this page assumes that you have read the information at How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group. Standard Questions What is a PCG? What Process Does a PCG Use? Who Joins a PCG? What Does “Coaching” Mean in a PCG? What Do People Get Coached On in …
Introduction Purpose of This Information The following information and resources are focused on the most important guidelines and materials for you to develop a basic, practical, and successful PCG. The information is intended for anyone, although it helps if you have at least some basic experience in working with groups. All aspects of this offering …

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As long as cyber attacks remain profitable, hackers will be in business We said 2014 was the “Year of the Cyber Attack”, but as you can see from our recent blogging 2015 is already making a serious run for the title. The latest attack to come to light is hitting users through Microsoft Office, and …
Reduce the risk of employee error allowing hackers through your employee cyber-safety training and education You can have the best security systems in the world, but that all goes “POOF” if an employee allows the bad guys into the bank vault. Well, cybercrime is no different, and the scary thing is that, unlike with physical …
Doing physical damage with virtual attacks Hackers aren’t only after corporate secrets, customer data, and credit card numbers. Some attackers seek to create real, physical damage via the net as well. Take this report, from a BBC News article: A blast furnace at a German steel mill suffered “massive damage” following a cyber attack on …
An example of a poorly handled social media crisis Shouting from your soapbox that offended stakeholders are wrong, deleting Facebook comments, banning users, and finally a full 180 and mea culpa – Australian org Black Milk Clothing ran the full circle of poorly handled social media impact of crisis management, and it all started with …
Social network taking heat after failing to consider not every memory of 2014 is a happy one Facebook’s “Year in Review” was created to help users celebrate the events of 2014 (and of course drive engagement with the social network), but for many who experienced less-than-pleasant times the notifications come as unrelenting reminders of things …
Good crisis management means being aware of, and preparing for, the possible outcomes of your actions There’s been a lot of discussion about demands from hackers that Sony not release “The Interview” due to its targeting of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, but in a recent interview with PRWeek Bernstein Crisis Management president Jonathan Bernstein …
Genuine care delivers crisis management dividends We see a lot of apologies these days, but more often than not they fail to hit home. Whether they’re lacking critical components like compassion, competence and confidence dragging or they take the route of the ugly “non-apology”, it seems tough for many to say “I’m sorry”. That’s why, …