Professional Development

4 Best Product Management Software in 2023
Great no-cost resource for crisis education One of the great things about the internet is the vast amount of knowledge available on any subject. Near and dear to our hearts, of course, is anything related to crisis management. Resources with quality content are always a welcome find, and we realized many people aren’t aware that …
What are peer coaching groups? Information on this page assumes that you have read the information at How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group. Standard Questions What is a PCG? What Process Does a PCG Use? Who Joins a PCG? What Does “Coaching” Mean in a PCG? What Do People Get Coached On in …
Introduction Purpose of This Information The following information and resources are focused on the most important guidelines and materials for you to develop a basic, practical, and successful PCG. The information is intended for anyone, although it helps if you have at least some basic experience in working with groups. All aspects of this offering …

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By Rolfe Larson and Adam Brock, Joining Vision and Action Competitions are all the rage in the social enterprise world. From New York to San Francisco, organizations seeking to nurture emerging social entrepreneurs have decided to go all in on the pitch session, offering the winners startup funds and technical assistance. Good idea, right? Crowd …
Online reputation is key to success More and more, how you’re viewed online is impacting whether your business succeeds. If you’re not clear on how items like social media shares and customer reviews impact your organization, this infographic from SEOBrand will help shed some light: ——————————- For more resources, see the Free Management Library topic: …
The answer is more than you might expect The price you pay as a victim of cyber crime doesn’t end with whatever hackers managed to make out with. Recovering and repairing systems costs time and money, and your reputation is almost guaranteed to take a hit which, of course, leads to losing even more of …
Stolen info allows hackers to penetrate E-file systems 2015 saw a major IRS hack that compromised the information of over 300,000 taxpayers, and 2016 isn’t starting off much better. This time around, hackers gained access to E-file PIN numbers of over 100,000 accounts. To its credit, the IRS did release a statement informing stakeholders what …
Small museums face challenges attracting resources. Admission fees can discourage attendance and reduce gift shop sales. What to do? The following summarizes a discussion in the npEnterprise Forum, the 10,000-circulation online forum for all things social enterprise. The particular question posted by Jean Hardy Robinson was about a small history museum in a thriving tourist …
We pay close attention to reports from experts like the folks at Cisco because they provide valuable insight into the risks our clients can expect to face. As we’ve all seen over the past couple of years, one of the most significant and fastest-growing risks is that of a cyber attack. One of the major …
Be aware of the risks and be prepared to counter them Knowing the major risk factors that your organization faces is a must if you wish to properly prepare for and prevent crises. The trend of cyber threats creating major risks for all of us shows no sign of slowing, and in fact is likely …