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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Pointing out how poorly you pay your own employees is a crisis management faux pas So, you set out to create a website, accessible to the public, aimed at helping your employees budget. You have hopes of helping them out, but let’s be real here, you’re also looking to grab you some good PR in …
The report sheds light on heated race A new study has revealed that contrary to what many believe, major news websites and Twitter are neck and neck when it comes to breaking high-profile stories. The UK’s Metro has more details: The research by the University of Edinburgh shows Twitter brought ‘added value’ by providing ‘local …
The wrong words online can come back to haunt you The case of Justin Carter, the Central Texas teen jailed for over five months as a result of a Facebook comment, is a powerful lesson in just how serious social media has gotten, and why your personal crisis management considerations should include careful censorship of …
Impact Investing continues to garner a lot of attention, at Davos, at the Clinton Global Initiative, at the G8 Summit, and at social enterprises big and small. But it’s still having little financial impact. For now, big institutional investors are not participating. Until they do, impact investing will remain small.
…It’s Your Money and Corporate is to Blame That Your Not Getting It. We all know people who follow their supervisor’s every whim – blowing the way the wind blows. For some reason, you can’t do that. You’re too independent, too creative, but competent nonetheless. Still, you’re being set up to fail. It’s all about …
How Microsoft handled heavy backlash over XBox One announcement When Microsoft announced that its upcoming Xbox One game console would require a once-daily “check-in” online, as well as severely restrict the ability to play, trade and sell used games, it set off an explosion of outrage among the gaming community, a community which consists of …
The Paying of Sweatshop Wages to Disabled by Goodwill Crisis management is required after the media highlights the contrast between the stated mission and reality The revelation that some disabled Goodwill workers make as little as 22 cents an hour while execs regularly rake in as much as $1.1 million annually has created a crisis …