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Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Popular phone apps make an ideal target for data-hungry hackers Apps of all kinds fill just about every smartphone these days, making the most popular ones ideal targets for hackers. Dating apps may be among the most widely used, making them a perfect target as a recent IBM study discovered. Reuters reports: The millions of …
Facts to convince anyone dragging their toes on crisis planning It can be tough to convince someone who hasn’t encountered a crisis themselves to spend on preparation. We’ve found sharing facts and figures is one of the best, and thought many of our readers might find the below infographic, from the ODM Group, a useful …
Learning from the case of the delivery driver and the auto dealership These days, it’s pretty safe to assume you’re always on camera. Whether it’s a cell phone, spy cams that can appear to be just about anything, or, as in this case, a plain old security camera, someone’s watching. When pizza delivery guy Jarrid …
Predict the problems that come with your promos, or run afoul of your fans You would expect Wired, a magazine focused on the world of tech, to be prepared for a promotional offer to go viral, but the ugly aftermath of a promotion from the UK shows it was anything but. Wired offered new subscribers …
Learning the basics of a must for crisis management, and business in general, today One of the easiest ways to protect and grow your reputation is by getting online. From the ever-growing list of social media platforms to the reviews sites everyone uses, there are many opportunities to get out there and show people you’re …
“I’d probably do it again.” Lance Armstrong’s unabashed lying, and subsequent non-apology, marked his story as one of the biggest falls from grace in sports history. After a series of disastrous media appearances following the United States Anti-Doping Agency’s damning report on his abuse of performance enhancing drugs and other illegal practices meant to boost …
Paying attention to reputation is key to prospering as a business today Taking care of your reputation is more critical than ever thanks to the widespread use of the Internet and social media to share opinions, experiences, and info about businesses of all kinds. Not only is reputation management critical to prospering as a business, …