Professional Development/

Organization Development

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

Peer Coaching Groups: Your FAQs Answered We assume that you have already read the information on the page Start a Virtual Support Group to Help With Stresses of COVID-19. The information on that page would answer all of the typical questions about planning and operating a support group. However, the following questions still tend to …
Grocer in a pickle after overcharging allegations surface once again Late last month, Whole Foods found its integrity questioned on a national level after an audit of its New York stores by the NY Department of Consumer Affairs revealed rampant mislabeling throughout the store’s prepackaged foods, often resulting in customers paying more than they should …
Improving conflict handling reduces risk of crisis There is nothing you can do to completely prevent conflict. Like it or not, it’s a fact, and one that’s better faced when you have time to prepare and plan than in the heat of the moment. Conflict resolution training is an asset to crisis management because it …
A look at how your peers are using social media data to improve PR It’s likely by now your organization is using social media wholeheartedly, and you’re probably even collecting data on things like stakeholder demographics, optimal posting times, and many other common factors. The question is, what the heck are you doing with it? …
Another in the constant stream of reminders to stay vigilant about data security Research from CIA-backed social media data mining firm company Recorded Future uncovered the fact that login government credentials for nearly every federal agency have been posted in plain sight on paste dump pages like Pastebin. business insider Cale Guthrie Weissman spoke with a …
Hope you deal with conflict defines its impact on your organization The most successful workforces are often made up of people with very different opinions and points of view, not to mention their own set of outside stressors and ways of coping, making conflict inevitable. Handled quickly and correctly, you can come out on the …
There is an undeniable connection between customer service and avoiding crisis Customer service is your first line of defense against crisis, yet all-too-often we see it ignored, farmed out, left to unqualified, untrained staff, or otherwise neglected. As this infographic from Groovy makes clear, the way the people communicating for your organization interact with your …
Falling down is inevitable, it’s how you stand back up that matters in the long run Sometimes you run into unexpected delays or out-of-the-blue issues that make keeping specific promises you’ve made to stakeholders impossible. While it’s inevitable that people will be upset (and rightfully so), there is one thing you absolutely must do if …