Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

What are peer coaching groups? Information on this page assumes that you have read the information at How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group. Standard Questions What is a PCG? What Process Does a PCG Use? Who Joins a PCG? What Does “Coaching” Mean in a PCG? What Do People Get Coached On in …
I’ve had a disagreement with a coworker. In the heat of the moment, I said things that I wish I hadn’t. How do I remedy the situation? We have all said things we later regretted. That’s human. The important thing is to remedy the situation immediately. Here’s what you can do in a communication or …
I recently published a blog on 5 Ways to Make Your Training Conferences Rock! But we all know that large training conferences aren’t always the most effective training platform. In fact, if we have to have a training conference at all, the smaller conference or meeting (sounds less formal) is the best face-to-face way to …
Few would deny that one of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time is the beloved late Mother Teresa. She is a soul who wholly dedicated to live a life of service through expressing her heart of love. She is known to the world for her selfless work with the “poorest of the poor” in …
What makes a great life and a great career? Here’s what high performing professionals and managers have said during my seminars on The Career Edge. Key #1: Life Comes at You Fast – Be Prepared, Plan and Anticipate During change, don’t be an ostrich hiding your head in the sand. Be aware of what’s going …
I had a conversation recently with a friend who was deeply hurt by some things going on in a community organization where he was a leader. He shared what was happening and that he was really struggling to find compassion and understanding in the midst of the conflicts. I’ve been there. We all have. Periodically …
Jason Novosel, Novo Horizons Management Training, our guest blogger gave me a quote this morning: “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” (George Horace Lorimer). I thought this would be a good day to look south to my Australian colleague for his answers on …
I just finished reading the book Love For No Reason: 7 Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love by Marci Shimoff. She interviewed 100 amazing people she referred to as Love Luminaries. These are people who are the “leading lights or love celebrities” who are living love in the world. So many of their …