Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

What are peer coaching groups? Information on this page assumes that you have read the information at How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group. Standard Questions What is a PCG? What Process Does a PCG Use? Who Joins a PCG? What Does “Coaching” Mean in a PCG? What Do People Get Coached On in …
We give thanks for Mother Earth and Father Sky For the gifts of Nature we can neither earn nor buy; For the grandfather stones, and grandmother moon, the trees, rivers and oceans who grace us with their presence; For the resplendent colors of fall, brilliant colors of spring, blinding white of winter, and cool shades …
This may seem an odd way to use visual aids, but you would be surprised at how effective it can be to brainstorm or even discover new ideas lurking in the audience. I discovered Ignite recently and was so impressed I put it up for my university speech students to see as an unusual way …
Bruce Wilkinson is one of those authors whose work has impacted and influenced me beyond belief. There are three books that I’ll share a big thought (the book’s main premise), an important verse or quote along with how I’ve grown spiritually because of his work. All of these books are international bestsellers. Check out his …
We never think much about our car battery until we turn the key and the car doesn’t start. It’s the same with training needs assessment. Companies and organizations want to take advantage of anticipated better times ahead. It’s good that there is an immediate call for the company or organizational needs assessments, probably because the …
My dissertation was on corporate whistle-blowing. Only a small percent of employees will report wrong-doing above and beyond the normal channels of informing a supervisor. Whistle blowing generally won’t occur if people are uncertain regarding the severity of the wrong-doing, or when people don’t believe that corrective action will be taken. Neither of those conditions …
Stressful situations are all too common in a workplace that’s facing budget cuts, staff layoffs, and department changes. It may become harder and harder to manage your emotions under these circumstances. But it’s even more important now for you to do so. After all, if management is forced into making more layoffs, they may choose …
Some of our lives are meant to be a living example of spirituality. Some of us are meant to witness other people’s lives as a living spiritual example and learn from that. Either way, it takes an open heart and eyes to see how different people’s lives can impact ours. I struggled finding a V …