Professional Development/

Improving Yourself

Frequently Asked Questions About Peer Coaching Groups

What are peer coaching groups? Information on this page assumes that you have read the information at How to Start Your Private Peer Coaching Group. Standard Questions What is a PCG? What Process Does a PCG Use? Who Joins a PCG? What Does “Coaching” Mean in a PCG? What Do People Get Coached On in …
It was a while there and I couldn’t speak–so upset was I that countless, thoughtless bloggers were telling us the Worst and Best Degrees–and we’re already feeling an uncertain future. I’m calm now. Okay, I’m back and re-posting. I had to go count, name all the Presidents, then all the State Capitols until I stopped …
Recently I spoke to a talented young software engineer who had been fast tracked into a management position. In a very short period of time, he went from a self-fulfilled, highly competent individual producer to a stressed out leader. He found that he did not enjoy confronting under performers; didn’t know how to motivate or …
HR is full of different roles and responsibilities and there are a ton of buzzwords that we love to throw around in organizations. We also love to use creative titles for people in HR. Companies do this for a variety of reasons, but mostly is a marketing campaign. We need some good marketing in HR, but we also need to realize the best marketing is providing a service that people want and need. Results happen and a key to HR success is tying all that activity we do to business impact. Below are some of lessons I was reminded of this year tied to the importance of HR and what we do. There a few buzzwords and rhymes thrown in for fun.
The entry is a perfect transition that links my last series, with the A-Z theme, along with my new upcoming series focused on growing closer with God. The idea for this poem and some of the names of God were inspired from one of my son’s lessons in his family formation program from our church. …
Martin Luther King, Jr. has been a hero of mine since I was a little girl. His commitment to social equality, his passion for improving the lives of those disenfranchised, his deep faith in non-violence as a spiritual force to shift power from oppression to reconciliation, inspired me as a child to find ways to …
You love the company, the culture and the people. The problem is that you’re bored in your current job. Things are too predictable and you’re no longer challenged. But you’re not ready to chuck it all. You have too much invested. Many of us will change our career a number of times in our working …
”I’m known as a steady worker but don’t get the choice projects. I know I need to get out there more but I’ve always been shy and don’t want to toot my own horn. What can I do?” This was asked of me by a financial analyst during a career advancement workshop. Actually, there was …