Human Resources

The Ultimate Guide to Invoice Software for Small Businesses
© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, Ph.D., Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Adaptedfrom the Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision in Business andField Guide to Leadership and Supervision for Nonprofit Staff. Strongly Suggested Pre-Reading PerformanceManagement: Traditional and Progressive ApproachesOverviewof Performance Management Process for any ApplicationPerformancePlanning Phase Approaches to Doing a Performance Appraisal Remember that information in this section …
Knowledge management software provides a centralized information-sharing, collaboration, and communication platform to help remote teams stay connected and engaged. Remote work environments pose unique challenges to organizations regarding knowledge management. The lack of interaction and physical proximity can hinder communication and collaboration.  This makes it difficult to capture and share knowledge effectively. That is why …
Construction businesses with employees rely on payroll to ensure everyone gets paid in a timely manner. The payroll process can be daunting, but there are a handful of software options available to facilitate things. This article covers the best construction payroll software and why you should consider picking one up for your business. Features and …

More in Human Resources

The following is strictly commentary. The comments made here are mine and mine alone, and in no part are related to The Free Management Library. Powerful corporations taking advantage the general population seems to be the stereotype, doesn’t it? Are, we, trainers, helping them do that? I know this sounds somewhat sacrilegious, since I, too, …
Quotes. Every speaker, teacher and trainer uses them so I thought I gather a few and place them here. It is interesting to note that some are subtle in meaning and some are not. Some will reach all of your audiences, some will not. Most importantly, I suggest to you that if the total meaning …
Don’t believe me? It’s basic critical thinking. I look around the internet and people are always asking how do you do this or that, what are the steps? Sometimes I smile and say, “If I tell all my secrets…” Actually, I have Mary Ellen Guffey to thank for her article, Five Steps to Better Critical-Thinking, …
(Guest post from Jan Terkelsen ) Have you ever thought that managing people with introversion is challenging? Or that you have to “manage” them in some way. I’m guilty. Yes, guilty of seeing introversion as something that you have to change or manage. As a Myers Briggs practitioner and workshop facilitator I am often asked …
Truly commentary. In a recent comment, I promised that my next blog would focus on talent and performance. Some see talent as something you have or you don’t. I don’t see it quite so black and white. I believe someone can have inherent talent (or a natural ability) and others have to work hard at …
What is that exactly? Where do trainers come from? Are they born or made, as I like to ask my University students of “speakers.” Trainers are a little different. Trainers are made of parts, like the human body, and have many interacting functions or working parts. Without some parts they die. With others, they thrive. …
Business and Training Insights: The Power of Warmth My Cave Man Guide to Training and Development is a “fuzzy” approach, closer to the humanities than the sciences. But I don’t apologize for it. It is from the humanities that we see creativity affecting human behavior directly and therefore human performance in literature, art, theatre, dance, …