
Financing & Loans

How To Check the Status of Your Employee Retention Credit

After filing your employee retention credit, you’ll want that money to arrive as fast as possible. While you wait, you’ll undoubtedly be left wondering when that refund check will come. This article explains how to check the status of your employee retention credit and offers tips to avoid any delays along the way. Use Bottomline …
When the question of major gift fundraising first arises, many unsophisticated board members, volunteers and staff immediately begin talking about the “rich and famous” — with Bill Gates being the name at the top of almost everyone’s list. The wrong assumption that many people make — and one that can become a major time waster …
Many Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) use the term “Major Gifts” to refer to those that are larger than the usual range of gifts that arrive in the mail. Typically, $1,000 is the magic number. But, unless an organization’s budget and/or the amount to be raised via the fundraising process is unusually small, gifts of $1,000 won’t …
Had a call, today, from a non-profit organization that has never before done a “major” event, but they’ve decided that they really want to do one now. I could probably have transcribed the conversation before we began talking, as it seems like there’s not a week that goes by that I don’t get a similar …
Grants represent the most effort for the least predictable return. The question, therefore, is to first determine what resources will be needed before an organization contemplates launching a grants program!! Researching grant sources, planning projects, preparing proposals and budgets and managing funded programs all require a lot someone’s time/labor – all of those comprise the …
The biggest mistake that many non-profits make is their belief that grants from corporations, foundations and government will continue, or (even) increase, over the long term. Historically, those sources of funding for specific programs either remain the same or decrease – especially during rough economic times (Remember !! … It wasn’t that long ago). While …
There used to be hard-and-fast rules as to what was, or wasn’t, a special event. Today, everything gets that label, from a small cocktail reception, to a board lunch, to a Gala Auction for 1,000. Nonprofits think special events are cool and a great way to raise money, but they’re only partially right. Events are …
That’s an important distinction. The defining characteristic of a gift is that control over its use passes to the recipient the minute the transfer is made. While some donors may restrict a gift to a general purpose — scholarships for example — decisions over the deployment of the funds within that restriction rest entirely with …