
Financing & Loans

How To Check the Status of Your Employee Retention Credit

After filing your employee retention credit, you’ll want that money to arrive as fast as possible. While you wait, you’ll undoubtedly be left wondering when that refund check will come. This article explains how to check the status of your employee retention credit and offers tips to avoid any delays along the way. Use Bottomline …
This posting is by Lynn deLearie. I initially want to refer all readers to an excellent post about Needs Statements written previously on this blog by Andrew Grant (see the link at the bottom of this post). In that piece, “Impress Funders With Your Grant Proposal (Writing a “WOW” Needs Statement),” Andrew said that, “the …
This posting by: Tony Poderis That riveting question was actually written in the marginal notes of a proposal asking for funding for an orchestra; and, it was written by a trustee of a grant-making foundation during a meeting to review the proposal in question. Another trustee of the foundation, the one who presented the proposal …
For local charities that want to apply to the CFC as an independent local charity (and not as a member of a federation), for most of the more than 200 regional CFCs, the applications are accepted between late February and the end of March. Each local CFC sets its own specific application deadline, and the …
I’m not enough of a philosopher or debater to extend the discussion of ethics much beyond the development arena, so I’ll address the concept in that context; and, even though it sounds as if I’m making statements of fact, I acknowledge that these are my opinions and that not everyone would agree with me. The …
Last month I defined Planned Giving. Why have a Program? I’ve got a few reasons. Build lifetime relationships. When a donor tells you they’ve put you in their estate or retirement plan, you’ve got the rest of their life to thank them. And you should take every opportunity. Draw them close to your work by …
How to Develop a Fruitful Nonprofit Fundraising Plan on Island A Reader wrote: “Even after 18 years in development, and earning the CFRE credential, I still have a hard time making the mental adjustment from thinking about our clients’ and organization’s needs to thinking about the needs of the donor. And it’s a totally foreign …
Grant proposals should go through a five-step writing process: •  Plan: Think through your proposal section. •  Organize: Use the grant guidelines as your outlining format. •  Write: Write in a free-flowing manner. •  Examine: Step back from your writing; review it later; then, let others review it. •  Revise: Emphasize clarity, conciseness, correctness, and persuasiveness. I already have discussed …