Special Events: Cost Per Dollar Raised

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    A recent email asked:
    “Do you have an article or statement on what is the standard “special event fundraising equation” used to determine financial success? Obviously, one would set a goal, and if that goal is set, you have been successful. Raising awareness and “making friends” is priceless. But, is there a basic non-profit formula goal such as ‘for every dollar spent to organize, coordinate, market, and produce the event, you would hope to raise two dollars?’”

    Sadly, there is no “Special Event Fundraising Equation.”

    The cost per dollar raised, or return on investment, is dependent on a number of factors. Since those factors have been addressed in prior postings*, I’ll keep it simple. (See: Special Events)

    The first time, or even the first couple of times an organization runs an event, they’d be lucky to break even. Only after an NPO’s community/constituency is familiar with the event can there be any assurance that there will be a sufficient number of people interested in the event and willing to attend.

    Over the years, as the event becomes a “tradition.” and the organization knows what works and what doesn’t, do the costs and income become predictable.

    As the event “matures,” the gap between costs and “profit” increases. A fully mature event can generate two, three, even four times its cost … but that does not happen overnight.

    As to setting a goal for an event, you can only do that after you’ve had a number of years of experience with that event. Setting a goal in the first couple of years would be an exercise in wishful thinking or in self-delusion. And remember, you only set a goal when you KNOW you can reach it. Failure to attain a fundraising goal sends a wrong message to your current and future donors.


    Have a comment or a question about creating or expanding your special event?
    Ask Natalie Shear. With over 30 years in conference and event planning, she can help you turn your vision into reality.
    Have you seen Natalie’s ebook on Special Events ??