How To Increase Business Leads for Your Facebook Page?

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    You might have a full house personal Facebook account with 5000 friends and many more Facebook followers. Or, you have a Facebook page intended for your business. Either the one or the other works for you to increase your business.

    Now, in case you are new to the platform, you can live by a few tips on how you can grow your trade while you are soaked in this specific type of social media. Growing your audience, in as much as you make your business grow, it can all happen while in your Meta Business Page. In fact, the app developer has made changes to the platform, mostly in favor of business owners.

    Essentially, Facebook has around 2 billion users in a month who are active and online most of the time. Making use of such a huge audience can benefit the business owner, just as it does most entrepreneurs who have been increasing businesses via their individual Business Page.

    A Facebook Page is supposed to come with a strategy that engages leads and eventually making them into paying clients. Use this to your full advantage.

    How to Successfully Promote Your Facebook Page Everywhere
    Credit: Search Engine Journal

    Increasing Business Through the Facebook Page

    Being creative is one thing. Earning from your creativity by increasing business on your Facebook Page is another. You can separate your personal and business FB profiles so you do not prick the inclinations of your supposed audience. The goal is to be acceptable and patronize by everybody, regardless of their belief, their opinions, or their interests. Imagine the number of prospective clients you can reach and convert into paying customers, if you are doing things right. Here’s how.

    Create a Non-Partisan Facebook Page

    A neutral Facebook Business account targets more network than those that limits gender, age group, and all other demographics. Some restrictions can hamper growth of your business. So be as non-partisan as possible. Work on a Facebook page that inclines to one set of audience only. Unless the business you are engaged in is limiting to a certain set of buyers only, you can always maximize the possibility of reaching all kinds of customers to help your business grow.

    Start with a goal in mind. Your Business Page must be generic yet unique enough to gain following from interested parties. Allow it to be available for all sorts of audience and start from there. While you can be specific in your business objective, devise on a targeted marketing strategy by having a Business Page that is not delimiting nor degrading.

    Come Up with a Business Logo and Brand

    Business success depends on the consistency of using one and the same brand to promote awareness towards target customers. Before Starbucks or Colgate or Louis Vuitton made it big, they started with a single brand. The brand has been consistent until it no longer needs to present itself to be recognized. Everything started small, from scratch, others started from nothing at all. Treat your business as a brand where it needs to develop a sense of consistent trademark or signature so it gets known even without telling what is it and who it is about.

    Many businesses would start with an interesting name. A logo comes next, which would either appear in product packaging, marketing, or in this case, the Facebook background. Selected color palettes can be kept as is so it stays as the brand theme. Work on complementary colors so it would be pleasing and harmonious to the eye. Contrasts can work sometimes but it should be done with utmost care. Otherwise, it can turn the page into a chaotic canvas.

    Layout a Great Profile Picture and Cover Page

    If you can create a profile picture and cover page which depicts your brand or the products you are engaged in, that would be great. Other business owners would even hire a professional photographer to do the job. However, if you are on your own and budget is currently an issue, you can maximize the professional photography features most recent phones are built-in with. You can edit your captures, filter, and tweak it so it can turn into a great form of art to represent your business.

    Strive to come up with an enticing photo which would present your products without you saying anything yet. Remember that the very first thing your leads would see would be your profile photo plastered next to your business name. So, it would rather be relevant and suggestive, more that it appears personal an unbusinesslike.

    Fill Out Bio and About Page

    This is where you pour in your Business Objective, your contact details, your website, your appointment booking style, and your headline. Fill this out in a way that if you are reading it as a prospect, you would be interested to click further and browse through the page. Your legitimacy can be tested here. Others would copy and paste some testimonials from previous clients to prove credibility of the business. Some would post something about what the business can do to help.

    Pitch here without being too pushy. Discuss a little about what you are looking after, at a customer’s perspective. Highlight the benefits of your product, and detail how it would be convenient or beneficial for user to have your product. Appeal to the fact that people would appreciate honesty from a seller and this is where they would likely see that.

    Include Contact Details with Call to Action

    The most important part of creating a Business Page in Facebook is to have a contact number where you can be reached easily for order or appointment booking. This is also where you would direct your leads on what to do next.

    Are they supposed to chat you? Or, fill out the form? Or, they will send you a message? Think about how you can quickly respond. Always think of the convenient part. For instance, emailing for orders can mean clients going out of the platform to get in touch and that can be annoying.

    Setup a Call to Action such as Chat Now or Message Me with a link towards sending you a message or a call really quick. Others would create a Chatbot with ready questions and answers for clients to simply tap and go. A live respondent would be great, and that could be you.

    Create an Online Shop

    If you have the time, arrange albums and pictures of your products in your Facebook Page gallery. Or, even if you are busy, you have to find time to arrange your Business Page. Lay down your prices, product features, and mode of payment so it will be seamless for clients to place an order, even without the help of a live person.

    Create an automatic welcome message for a start and upon sending of order, ready a “Thank You” statement to close the deal.

    Just like how a typical shop would do, excellent customer service matters. Reach out to inquiries fast. Deal with issues showing a sense of urgency. Resolve conflict as fast as you can. Maintain the good business etiquette even while online. Keep in mind that customers make the business run, so always make them feel important. The growth of your business depends on frequent order, repeat buyers, and referrals.

    Assign Roles

    Maintaining a business to run smoothly could mean more hours spent online, watching over comments, private messages, and even reactions to about just anything in your Facebook Page.

    When this is a one-man business, this can be tiring. Naturally, you need sleep and rest. When you’re down, either you will need someone else to take care of the job for you, or you allow clients to wait until you’re ready and available again. Hire someone or have a partner and assign the role.

    Since this is an online shop, there is no need for you or for your employee to be at the physical store.

    You can simply go to Setting and assign roles so someone else would assume time to answer inquiries and engage in comments. You can all do this in a Business Page. As much as possible, this must be open 24 hours as inquiries don’t stop at the time you are asleep. Delegate work.

    Create Content Calendar

    Prepare a plan of action or create your order of attack. It’s like setting up a system that you and your business partners must follow. High engagement and traffic when running an online business is a must. Map out a schedule as to what you are going to do with the page from Day 1 to Day 7 in a week.

    Say you will post random informational content every Monday, an inspiring video with an inspirational quote on Tuesday, or a Live Selling on Wednesday, and so on. Improvise and be creative with your content so you do not end up boring and without audience.

    Target dates and holidays where you think more people would be visiting your page for whatever reason. Say you make a Valentine Special Challenge in an upcoming Valentine’s Day or you hold a Black Friday Sale on Black Friday.

    You market these schedules ahead of time as it would be one way of increasing business by simply triggering the interest and holiday spirits of your target audience. Update the content calendar regularly and prepare it ahead of time so you do not run out of ideas moving forward.

    Involve Search Engine Optimization

    It may be Facebook and not a website, yet you should still remember that search engine optimization still works on it. Due to the interconnectivity of social media platforms and search engines, anyone can always surf and look for something at any time of the day, and it could be the product or service you offer that they’ve been looking for. The use of hashtags in Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook work across all platforms so once searched, your page might be suggested and clicked on, considering you have an optimized page equivalent to the search.

    Backend digital experts normally have a list of what trends and what is the most searched for the hour, in a day, in a week, and so on. It always varies as the people’s taste for what is trending differs every now and then. Never discredit the value of search engine optimization strategies as it is still the most powerful marketing tool for years, and up to the present.

    Go Live

    Facebook Live is currently gaining fame over business owners. Live selling schedules are normal in most Facebook Business Pages.

    Facebook live viewers would normally flock a page at a designated live selling time. That sense of hoarding and winning against the other buyers creates an interesting scenario. Everyone wants to go first.

    And it benefits the business in a way that the tendency of a sold out is high, knowing the customers are already interested, and are competitive in owning or commenting “mine” to a product as fast as they can.

    This marketing strategy, when moderated properly can become a regular increase in business. If you do the same event on a regular basis, it is likely for you to be noticed by many.

    Moreover, if your pricing is reasonable, the more that you would like to have a higher audience every time you are live, selling your stuff to the active Facebook users.

    Post Regularly

    A business activity is a measuring tool of your consistent trade. As much as you can, update your Business Page by writing posts, creating polls, or sharing good things related to your industry. Most users are looking back to as far as when you started and seeing nothing in your feed can be a markdown.

    Take note of the legitimacy check most buyers are doing. Scams are everywhere so most clients are normally cautious. Be consistent in updating your business profile wall and news feed to promote awareness.

    The tendency of a business to be considered legitimate is that, it has something always going on. Nobody would buy in a Facebook Business Page which has minimal to zero engagement, much more if there is no business activity to be seen, at all.